Ok if you never saw Big Brother you do not know what you are missing. Last night I managed to catch on the Live Feeds the start of the big daddy of fights. It was great! It was loud it was bordering physical and all by none other then the Preacher Boy's son. Yeah the guy who prior to going in there said oh I am a good Christian boy I don't drink or swear. Thats right he only had nightly sex romps with the boobsie blonde and well last night his mouth did the talking. Oh yeah he sure did it talking and cursing. Oh even for people that do curse he was going full throttle. You see he seemed to think he was Head of Household and he thought he was secretly controlling all the shots and well last night he learned he was not calling any shots and in fact there was a plan to get his new best buddy Manchelle ops I mean Michelle out of the house. He just got angered at that. He yelled at everyone including the guy who used his POV to save himself from being on the nomination block. Imagine that he Memphis saved himself? Oh rude is that? Then he could not figure out why the others were not mad too. He went up to Keesha and said ok you were suppose to go up he lied can't you see that. Keesha looked at him and said so if you had your way I would be on the chopping block and going home and he goes "yes" and she goes NO sorry I am NOT mad I am ok with it. I think it was the anger that did not let him think straight he must of been in another realm. Needless to say this Thursday will be a Double Eviction but the Houseguests do not know that they only think one will be leaving but before the hour is up another will leave. Hope Ollie (Preacher's son). Thursday should be good!!!!
Ok stay tune and watch the fireworks!
5 years ago
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