Monday, September 27, 2010


Happy Monday everyone! Yes I said happy Monday every so often a miracle happens. But I had a really nice weekend and I think I want that feeling to spill over into the new week. No more thinking that OMG Sept is pretty much over which means the hectic times of Holiday shopping is around the corner. Actually in my head it is already here I am already starting to shop (internet-style). I plan on doing most if not all online again. Why bother pushing, shoving, screaming and thats just waiting for the store to open.

Friday we had just an a fantastic night out with 2 friends. I had not seen my Chonga in what seemed like years so it was really nice to get together with Chonga and Elktone Number one. We went over to the Mayfair Hotel in Coconut Grove for a wine tasting hosted by Barry Albert. Every week Barry hosts a wine tasting at the Mayfair and highlights different wines. Now the night for me was not really about the wine (although it was a nice addition) it was about sitting down and enjoying time with Chonga and friends. We all enjoy a good glass or two or three or more of wines so we sat and drank and talked and laughed. Then we moved over to the Mayfair Grill and had a late night dinner. By the time the night was over it was way past our usual bedtime but we thought man that was just plain fun.

Saturday turned out to be one of those in your face you never know what happens kind of day. We ended up at my brothers place for a get together. Nothing planned it just sort of came together the last minute. I wanted to stop over at my other friends house who was having a get together that night and if all would of gone as planned in my head I would of been at Alberts for a little while then popped over to Tina's. Of course that is in a perfect world because what happened was I went to Alberts and stayed at Alberts.

Then Sunday we went to movies to see Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps. Afterwards we met up with Tina and her BF Matt for dinner at Black Point Marina and then went on home to watch the disappointing Dolphin game and Premier of Desperate Housewives.

And here I am at Monday. You know time just flies when you are recovering from wild nights of adventure and mayhem.

So what shall I leave you with today?

Kindness in thought leads to wisdom.
Kindness in speech leads to eloquence.
Kindness in action leads to love.

Stay Tune

Friday, September 24, 2010


I sit here and I wonder how quickly the days go by and I looked at the calendar today and realized that September is pretty much almost over and God help me this means the hectic season of gift giving, family gatherings, fruitful spending, joyful eating is approaching - and that's just Halloween ha!

But as quickly as time is passing I have to stop sometimes and realize that I need acknowledge and be happy for things and people around me because I would hate for that to go unnoticed. I am upgrading my meditations and recently I listened to Master Chunyi Lin and it is really teaching me to look more inside and view things from a different angle. I am learning that sometimes when I see negative behavior I need to try and change my point of view on it and if it is still negative well I wish them well but refuse to allow it to get into me. I am looking forward to collecting more of these lectures and listening to it because Master Lin has a technique that I have always used and that is mind control if your mind believes it then it is true. For example if your mind believes you are getting sick then you will get sick, if your mind believes that harm is coming your way then harm will come your way. Now that is not to say that you feel sick and if you think I am well you will instantly be well no of course not Master Lin saids that if you are sick welcome it by saying ok thank you for coming (yeah I know I had to think twice on that one too but follow along) welcome it, say thank you for coming (so you start from gratitude), please stay for a day and with love move along. Everything has a purpose.

He has other stuff he teaches where mainly he believes that we are all healers not one person or some people but we are all healers. It is pretty cool and I just only heard one lecture so I am going to try to grab some other lectures and some meditations CDs and listen to some more. So what quote should I end today with?

Watch your thoughts, they become words
Watch your words, they become action
Watch your actions, they become habits
Watch your habits, they become your character
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny

Stay Tune

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer is almost over

Summer is starting to end, well I say that in jest because in Miami it is fairly an all year event, but to mean this means regular TV is coming back to life. My shows are returning and I will once again be a prisoner to DVR. Ah those little things make me smile!

At work it has been an up and down event. Thankfully for me it has been an up, but for others in the company I work for not so fortunate. Another round of layoffs and of course they seem to hit the weak, long time workers and of course loyal ones. It is turning to be more and more a large corporate environment with just no heart and soul. That tends to sadden me. I like my job I really do and I recognize how fortunate that is but it pains me when bad things happen to good people. With that said I have sent good fortune and well wishes to those hurt by these actions.

Now since summer is coming to an end here is my closing statement...

"A life without love is like a year without summer" Swedish Proverb

Stay Tune

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hurry up and wait

Sometimes it is good to just sit back, take a deep breath and release it all into the universe. I get in moments at work and regular life where I feel everything is coming down on me and this morning I sat in my morning silence and it was a feeling to just stop and release. And, so I did. The silence was good I was able to connect and re-connect and allow the positive energy to come into me and wish love and light into the world and myself. The hustle and bustle of hurry up reports and hurry up figures at work can sometimes be a bit over the top but I somehow manage to do it. I am happy for that and very thankful and I suppose that was part of my lesson this morning was to just release and say thank you.

In other news, I am dying for regular TV season to come back. White Collar is back and I am happy but Burn Notice is now on its break. Soon Big Brother will end and that will mark the start of regular TV such as (but not limited to) Desperate Houswives, NCIS (both of them), The Mentalist, Brothers and Sisters and oh yes the one that will premier but I already feel I will love Hawaii Five-O (book-em Dano!).

So let's close this entry by posting something sweet and nice..

These things I warmly wish for you; Someone to love, some work to do, A bit O'sun, A bit O'cheer, And a Guardian Angel always near.

Stay Tune