Ok so last night's DWTS was "ok" because there was not a whole of Oh I so love you but real critiques, unless you are Derek and Diane then forget they might as well give them the trophy. But get this Pamela Anderson only had one of the gay men (Bruno) fawn over her. Yeah Len finally point out that well she sucked! Ok not sucked just was not the best but he had that little smile on his face for her and told her over all it was very well.
It is in my humble opinion that these judges do stuff like this in order to influence the votes. It appears this week they have taken their aim at getting rid of Kate Josselin and well I have to agree with them. Although, honestly she should of been gone week 2. Len said it best when he said she walks through the dance instead of dance. She seems to not even try it is like yeah ok whatever here I am. Then when that is pointed out all she has to say is "Well I had 8 little visitors this week." Yeah we know this is why you are on the show missy because you put those 8 little visitors on TV for the whole world to see.
I suspect and predict that Kate will be one of the bottom two and Niecy because they seemed to really pick on Niecy too.
So now that we are keeping U-Verse it was time to downgrade. I changed the viewing from HD to regular and got rid of the HBO and Cinemax. (Sorry desperate times call for desperate measures). What I am learning is that some of my recordings that I have pre-set are/were set to record on HD channels. Do you know what happens when a show tapes on an HD channel and you do not have HD turned on? Well you record 60 minutes of a black screen. I guess it could be worse - I could have no DVR OH shutter the thought!
I am about 5 weeks from my Spiritual Awakening trip to Canada! I am so excited I received the badge and credentials in the mail along with the schedule. I am going to be one busy chick according to that schedule - and I can't wait! More on that as we get closer..
Stay Tune
5 years ago
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