Sorry it has been a little since my last posting, there has been much to do and little time to do it -well sort of. Daddy dearest came to town last Thursday and I for one love when the old man comes to town mainly because he always comes bearing gifts for ME! Yeah this time it was a large bottle of ah hem Borolla? Ok I so do not drink red BUT he remembered that the last time I tried some this was the only one I was actually happy with. For some reason the family is insisting that I will turn to be a red drinker one day, so when found that Borolla was one I liked he was quoted as saying "Oh dear you are in trouble the bottle costs $80". So daddy dearest brought me a bottle! Yeah life is good.
Speaking of daddy dearest, we did the whole going around the city thing - even though he is not a tourist. We went to the Keys for lunch - ala Snappers. Then we went to Sushi Maki for dinner. Had a fun filled day at the track on Saturday. Oh yeah the ponies were good. Daddy dearest did really good he picked a couple of winners. Then we went to oh the ever so good restaurant Sage located in Historic Hollywood Florida. God it was soooo good! Word to the wise if you go to Sage for every 2 dozen oysters you purchase you get a free bottle of wine - we ended up with 2 free bottles and yes this was after purchasing 2 bottles ourselves. Lucky for us they allowed us to take the last unopened bottle home. So thank you Sage and we will be back oh yes we will.
Now on to the gossip. DWTS - oh boy I saw last nights show and I do believe the dancers are getting better, even the giggling blond Pam Anderson. So I am watching the show and he comes Jake the Bachelor out to dance. Ok now he is not one of my faves and I personally think he has an ego problem but really who doesn't in the entertainment industry? So I am watching him and they pan to the audience where his GF is sitting and honestly she did not have a happy look on her face, she had a pretty oh boy I am bored or mad look. I am like oh wow is there trouble in Paradise? Then I learn that word on the gossip street is that Pamela Anderson has been flirting with Jake, which makes Jake happy because she has been his childhood crush since Baywatch. No really Jake? And Pamela flirting? Is this possible? Ah yeah just ask Len and Bruno (the 2 gay judges) who fawn over her because she flirts with them too! So this is pretty good dirt. Is there anything to it? Nah I certainly doubt it, everyone knows Pamela flirts with anything that moves - heck I bet she looks in the mirror and flirts with herself. I'm just sayin..
So tonight is buh bye time and here is my prediction. I suspect one of these 3 will be in the bottom two: Jake, Chad, Pamela. One of them will be leaving and if I was to predict who is leaving well I am going to say I think Jake is gone. I find Pamela is a close 2nd to leaving too.
Who will win? Well at this point I seriously think its Nicole and Derek although from the beginning I have said the final two will be Nicole and Derek and Evan and his partner.
So will I be right?
Stay Tune
5 years ago
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