Ah the weekend is over! I almost want to say thank God. I went to the Marathon Elks for a visitation gathering they were doing and while sitting in the audience listening to speeches I start to get this funny tingling feeling on my lips and arms. Oh dear not again. I started getting this same feeling Friday Night and on and off Thursday. Its the sign of an allergy attack. Now as far as I know I am allergic to Strawberries and Bee Stings. Neither of which I have come in contact with. But I can tell this is coming. I suspected something like this may happen so I brought to Marathon the Benadryl only it was in the hotel room. Ok time to step back and not put anything into my system and will this thing out. Well I think it worked for a while because no one suspected. The sleep in the room was needless to say painful. Total itching and scratching and generally feeling pretty gross. Not much sleep. When morning came all I wanted to do was stay in bed sleeping, but alas it was time to drive home. Its only a 2 hour drive it should not be so bad right? Oh it felt like a 4 hour drive. Got home and slept which actually felt pretty darn nice. Last night the itching started again so I took another shot of Benadryl. I am going to have to break down and figure out who do I go see and have some sort of allergy test done I have got to figure out what else it could be. It appears heat driggers it but hello I live in Miami and todays weather is normal (90 degrees) so heat is a normal factor.
Ok on to brighter news. Soon the season for the news shows will begin. I am getting ready for Amazing Race. DWTS, Desperate Housewives and yes Brothers and Sisters. Oh how could I forget Heros is also finally coming back! Ah finally regular season TV is back,.
BTW Big Brother ends Tuesday so since the two left have been mentioned before there really is no news to report until the winner is named Tuesday night.
So stay tune..
5 years ago
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