Well there is only one more show left before the summer comes to an end and by the summer I mean my summer obsession - Big Brother. This Wednesday will mark the finale and thus BB will be over but do not worry viewers because Survivor will begin. I am not sure I will follow this one as closely as last time we shall see. When last I left off I gave a small prediction as to who would win part 2 of the HOH comp and I wish I could only be as accurate with lotto numbers because Porsche won. What this means is that Part 3 of the challenge will be between Rachel and Porsche and if memory serves me correct it will be a question and answer game. BB will ask jury members questions and it is up to them to try and guess how they will respond. So this makes me wonder who is better at knowing what a jury member might say. Ok you can say oh Rachel will know Brendon but does she really? I mean Brendon likes to think he is a rocket scientist oh wait a chemist and he may think he is being slick so who knows. It could be anyone's game. SO this pretty much leaves Adam out right? Not if you ask Adam. He has been planting seeds of doubt in each of their heads by telling them "You know I am the swing vote and I can influence others." He started this basically after Rachel told him that she was taking Porsche to the final two and Porsche had also agreed to take Rachel. So he starts telling them I am the swing vote and I can go either way and he went as far as to tell Porsche that Rachel has played a good hard game. The hopes is that one of them will think twice before sending him to the residency.
So the question is who will win Part 3 and will they take Adam?
Stay Tuned.
5 years ago
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