Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday is here.

Happy Tuesday. One more day until the famous Hump Day or actually the Wishcasting Wednesday. What will it bring. Tomorrow for me will be a big Lodge Meeting where final statements to the corporate big wigs will be made. They won't like it but I have heard comments from them saying "So what the Lodge will continue anyway." and then someone said "In a month we will have it packed with people." All I can say is ok Good Luck. I will be sure to stop by in a month and see the tons of people. (I can't wait for that one!)

On another note I recently was reading some Tuesday Tips regarding business and I thought it was interesting because it was about Time Management and being overwhelmed with things to do. Here is what was said:

No one ever seems to have enough time anymore. In fact, just about everyone talks about being swamped at work and snowed under at home. And that's a lousy way to live.
So what's the answer? It may NOT be putting in more hours. It may be learning how to use your hours more effectively.

This sounded about right and logical so I continued reading where he outlined steps, however, I had issues with the first step. Is this a sign?

The first step was to Learn to say No once in a while. Ah ok maybe in my personal volunteer life (as a matter of fact No will be used very often soon) but not in my work life. Hello? If my boss gives me a project I do not think it will go over very well if I say ah gee Boss no not right now.

Some of the other advices were better such as:
  • Avoid over-commitment. (Who me? nah!)
  • Maintain a master calendar. (Ok I can do that and pretty much do)
  • Schedule major projects.
    If you have a number of major projects gathering dust because you're going to do them when you "find time," stop waiting and start scheduling. (Yeah I have to say I can relate to this one).
  • Use lists. (Check)
  • Start with some unpleasant tasks.
    Most people waste more time thinking about dreaded tasks than actually doing them. But if you get one or more of your most disliked jobs out of the way first, you'll get a great sense of accomplishment. (OMG this actually makes sense)
  • Avoid Perfectionism - (me perfect? Hardly)
  • Delegate occassionally - (well here again when you are not the boss delegating is not one of those things one can do easily).

Ok so not too bad I am not against all that stuff. But then I was given an action


Pick out 1 tip to focus on. Keep on using that tip until it has become an automatic and natural thing for you to do. And then go on to picking out and mastering a second technique.

Oh boy let me sleep on that and get back to you..

Stay Tune..

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