Monday, August 10, 2009

Welcome Monday

Ah Monday is here...It seems like the week just ended and here we are again in the beginning. My week ended with well life stepping in again...

I went to the a "Specialist" Dental surgeon who confirmed that yes I am going to need extensive work done. I will everyone the details but lets just say the cost is about the price of a new Saturn Car. But wait there is more and speaking of cars...So I leave the office still reeling with the price in my head and I head to the gas station for a fill up. I fill the car up and get back in the car and click click click...hum...surely I did something wrong in starting the click click...

I sat there going "Seriously? now you die?" Alright lets just continue adding cha ching cha ching..why not lets spend a couple hundred dollars on the car. So as of this morning the car is in the shop and it will cost about $450 to repair plus the rental I now have. Yeah Life is funny when it steps in the way...

One just needs to roll with the flow...

So what will this week bring???

Stay tune...

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