Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday

Wishcasting Wednesday is today and the question today is:

What do you wish to change?

Hum...another tough one. I guess currently if I was going to change something that would be my patience level. This week my patience level at work is being tested and it is over silly little things but when management takes the silly little things seriously and you voice your opinion on it and yours is discount well...ok patience Lola patience....

Ok so my wish is I wish to change and increase my patience level and be a little more tolerate of others and their wishes.

You know in saying/writing that I actually feel much better. Ok it will be a good day.


Anonymous said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her. That would be my wish as well..More Patience.

Sarah Sullivan said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her. Always a challenge - hugs hon, Sarah

LissaL said...

Ooooh! that can be a tough one on certain days :)

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her.

Lil said...

There IS something about saying our wishes aloud ~ it's fortifying and feels more permanent!!

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.


Caroline said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Clarifying your intent makes it MUCH stronger!

Jamie said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I have a funny feeling this one's going to have all sorts of yummy ripple effects :)

Pamela said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I've been told when you wish for patience, you're given plenty of opportunities to practice it. :)

You'll do beautifully. :)

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her.
May Patience be yours....

Vedrana M. said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her :)

Suzi Smith said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also x

Anonymous said...

as Dolores wishes, so I wish for her also. Patience is a common wish of mine.

Tiara said...

Haha I know how it is to have patience problems. I'm very impatient myself :P

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. (And me too!)