Greetings from warm Miami. It's in the 70's still. It has actually been rather cool between 50's and 60's and that was nice. Saturday Night I went with a girlfriend out to South Beach and we went to Lincoln Road Mall. If you love to people watch this is the place my friends. We went to dinner at this outdoor cafe called Soprano's Cafe where if you purchase 2 entrees you get a free bottle of wine - hum NOT BAD! The food was great. I had a nice Chicken breast with spinach and cheese with wine sauce. The breast was full and juicy and it just filled me up big time. I suppose the wine helped in that. Then after we ate we walked around and ended up at Ghirardelli - Ice Cream and Chocolate Shop on the corner of Lincoln Road Mall and Meridian. Oh yeah fabulous spot. We decided this was the perfect place for people watching. So we sat down and started with some root beer floats, and capuccino followed by green and black tea. Needless to say 3 1/2 hours flew by! The sights are great. You see people just having a fun time. A concert ended at a nearby theatre and people were leaving and it was just fun to see the crowds all bundled and laughing. I say bundle because by this time it was like high 50's and we here in Miami almost stop when it gets that cold. The ended with a ride through Coconut Grove on the way back home. That is always an interesting sight - even at 1:00 in the morning.
The holidays are fastly approaching and emotions are running high everywhere I look. The spirit of Christmas always tends to fill people in many different ways and its a constant challenge and reminder to try to hold on to your spirit.
Tonight I go to the Moose for a meeting followed by a Holiday get together and gift exchange game. It is mainly for the fun more then the gift. Tomorrow night another party at Elks Lodge on Sunset Blvd. Thursday is "up in the air". I am scheduled to go to my Elks Lodge for a Gate Program Graduation ceremony however I am being tempted to stop by the Sunset Elks Lodge for a party there. No I do not believe I can do both because I do still have to work the following day and would like to get home by 11:00 PM. But it will be nice to see friends there that I enjoy spending time with. Friday oh let me think what do I have planned Friday? Oh YES ER Egg Nog party at MY Elks Lodge! This daily visit of Elks Lodge is going to have to stop soon...well maybe... I am sort of getting disenchanted with the politics certain high dignitaries are doing and it may make me pull out. But that's a whole other venting session.
I wish for everyone to have a pleasant and super holiday. Look around you and give thanks to the universe for allowing you to be there. I have had the pleasure of reading and talking to so many new people this year who have made my spiritual journey so much more easier. I am so lucky to have met them because they have inspired me to but pen to paper or in this case keyboard in motion on that book. I can feel the air of mystery around me.
Todays Quote
"Good humor is a tonic for mind and body. It is the best antidote for anxiety and depression. It is a business asset. It attracts and keep friends. It lightens human burdens. It is the direct route to serenity and contentment."
Greenville Kleisser
5 years ago
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