One thing I have noticed about this time of year I don't like is that TV is so boring! ARGG. I do not particularly like watching reruns and thats all there is right now until January. Yes I know I can handle another week or so till the shows return but it just seems forever. Happily daytime soaps do not fall into that repeat mode.
While much of the country is going through some horrible weather and very wicked conditions we are fortunate not to be experiencing those. Right now we are in the mid 60's and it will creep up a little higher as the day gets stronger. The sun is out I heard some birds singing this morning (most likely they were plotting against my Paradise cat).

Now you may wonder how does Miami celebrate the New Year? After all NYC has the Big Apple and that great big ball well wonder no more...
Bayfront Park in Miami, Florida throws a big party to ring in the new year. The shindig includes a free concert for all attendees and a "Disco Dance Party". But the most important part of the night is the "Big Orange" on the side of the Hotel Intercontinental. Unlike the ball in Times Square, the "Big Orange" does not drop but it rises until it reaches its highest point at midnight. A fireworks display also accompanies the celebrations at midnight.
Yeah thats a picture of the Big Orange - pretty wild I will admit. I will not be out there I will be in my safe home watching it on TV. There was a time I would go out and party like a rock star but now a days with people driving crazier then ever and the police in full force waiting to stop people for just looking like they have had too much I feel it is just wise to stay in and out of the way. I would make it a Martini night but this silly flu may have other plans.
Either way Happy New Year.. and...
Stay Tune..
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