Friday, September 5, 2008

So many news so little time

Well the storm formerly known as RD#9 now referred to as Ike is looking to be one bad A. Its a nice calm day in Miami and I for one am so happy about that because nothing is more annoying then seeing people running around like chicken little screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling! When one lives in Miami you just hope it never comes and when it does (because it will that is reality) you prepare the best way you can. I for one still feel safe in our home and as long as we are all safe in there that is what is important. Ike is now a Category 3 hurricane with maximum sustained winds near 125 mph. The storm is moving toward the west at 15 mph.

So on to other stuff. Tonight is the return of Friday Night Dinners at my Lodge (South Miami Coral Gables Elks Lodge) and I for one am very happy. Our dinners well dinner which is one huge steak on the grill is done by volunteers and they needed the month of August off. Very well deserved. The way I see it anyone who complained then needed to step up and cook in their place and well no one volunteered to do that so there were no dinners for Friday Night. Which meant why go if the gang is not going to be there for dinner. SO tonight we not only have dinner but we get back to playing Wii Bowling! I am proud to say right now I am the champion oh yeah big time champ. I took down like melted butter our Exalted Ruler. I just so hate it when big boys brag about how good they are and then I enjoy the sweet smell of success watching them crumble to the ground. Tonight should be fun.

Now on to my summer subject Big Brother! On September 4, in a vote of 2-0 Renny was evicted from the Big Brother House. In the live HoH competition, Dan won and is the new HoH. No comment on who won. Although he has been doing "ok". Then what was even funnier is when the competition was over there was a sumo wrestler in the living room and he was "sitting" on something. If someone found it then they would all play for a luxury competition and the winner would get a trip outside of the house. Usually to some big event. Well Dan saw him sitting on something and managed to pull it out and when they looked inside they got this message Congratulations Houseguests. By managing to obtain this letter you have officially launched a very special luxury competition. The winner will be awarded an amazing trip out of the house, a trip that could impact the game.

HGs are suspecting they will be leaving for a quick trip to Japan. Gee I wonder why they would think that? Ok so what do I think the luxury competition is? Hum....ok according to WikiPedia Sumo means Sumo is a competitive contact sport where two wrestlers (rikishi) attempt to force one another out of a circular ring (dohyo) or to touch the ground with anything other than the soles of the feet. The sport originated in Japan, the only country where it is practiced professionally. The Japanese consider sumo a gendai budō (a modern Japanese martial art), though the sport has a history spanning many centuries.
The sumo tradition is very ancient, and even today the sport includes many ritual elements, such as the use of salt for purification, from the days sumo was used in the Shinto religion. Life as a rikishi is highly regimented, with rules laid down by the Sumo Association. Professional sumo wrestlers are required to live in communal "sumo training stables" known in Japanese as heya where all aspects of their daily lives—from meals to their manner of dress—are dictated by strict tradition.

So maybe just maybe the person who does this will wrestle or maybe the Luxury comp will put HG against HG in a wrestling comp?

Now I suspect Dan will put up Jerryattic and Keesha. And then pray Jerryattic does not win POV and takes himself off the block. If anyone of the other 3 get the POV they will keep nominations the same and Jerryattic will be going home on TUESDAY! Yes Tuesday! We are coming down to the finals and I am sadden to say next Thursday will be the finale. I know I cannot believe the summer has already gone by so fast. Once Jerryattic leaves honestly anyone of them could win and I won't mind. I only hope I have power on Tuesday and Thursday and do not miss any of the excitement. If not well I suppose that is what and full episodes are for.

Ok thats about it for now...Stay tune as things develop

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