Oh Pity it's Labor Day and this means a couple things one I have to go back to work tomorrow, on the bright side its only for 4 days. Then this means the departure of Pops and Sarge. I am going to so miss Sarge and yes of course Pops too. The weather today has been pretty darn nice. Its been sunny and bright and the temperature has been well humid, hot and 88 degrees and acording to weather.com feels like 98. I know pretty yucky but you know what it could be worse so one needs to appreciate what they have. But it still sucks when its so hot. We had a really nice time. Last night we all went to Martys for drinks and snacks and then went to Bangkok Bangkok for dinner. Oh boy that was so good! I always love that place of course I always order the same meal (Earth Wind and Fire II). Yeah one day I will order something else just not sure when that one day will be. Today was a nice day. We woke up and eventually the 2 other boys called in to see what was going on and after discussion and a trip to a closed Sub Shop we ended up at the ever famous Arbetter. Now here is what you need to understand, when dad comes to town at some point in the trip we will all make it down to Arbetter to eat. And funny thing is we were talking about it last night how this would be the first trip they did not go. Well we can no longer say that because we all went and had our hot dogs and chili cheese fries. Arbetter is actually pretty good, its hot dogs and as hot dog places go its not so bad. Its locally owned and not a big chain where you will see hundreds of dogs there are about maybe 3 dog types and thats it. It's kept simple and their big push is that they will serve FREE baked beans when the Red Sox win the World Series. Note to audience yes they did this the last time they won a few very short years ago.
It appears we are going to get spared as far as Hanna goes. It seems to be crusing the coast of Florida and perhaps heading towards Georgia and South Carolina. Now we just need to keep an eye out for TD#9. Right now TD#9 is just something to watch because Gustav and Hanna are the main stars but they do expect it to maybe develop so once its starts to pick up I am sure we will hear more about it. If anything develops more I will let you all know.
Ok so you must be thinking a few paragraphs and what no Big Brother update? Have I forgotten. Oh no silly children I have not forgotten it is just there is nothing to report. Currently Keesha and Dan are on the chopping block but Memphis won the POV and yes he plans on using it to bring down Dan leaving Renny to go up in his place. The plan is to vote out Renny. Yes I am still sadden I would so rather it be that old fart Jerry but a little thing like being Head of Household is what is stopping that from happening. Oh well too bad so sad however I will hand it to him he has gone far and certainly under estimated by the players so more power to him. So with Renny leaving I am left wondering ok who do I want to win. Ok if it cannot be Renny then I say perhaps Memphis or Keesha. Yep one of them. No sorry Dan while I no longer totally hate you I still do not like your views towards women and I do not support it. I do appreciate his game play even though he acted like a traitor by risking his own alliance but in the end that worked out.
EDIT: This just in.....Dan was removed from the chopping block and replaced by Renny. On big surprise? no things going as plan...Bye Renny sorry to see you go.
So that is where we stand for now. Thanks all folks
Stay tune
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