Sunday, August 24, 2008

Week in review

Ok this weekend was pretty much pretty darn cool as weekends go. Saturday was a nice night. The evening started out by attending a special function at the Moose Lodge in Leisure city. We went there because the headliners were no other then the famous Elk Tones There were some special guests that were invited by Elk Tone 3 (Paul) and those were 2 high school friends from a previous band they all were in, named Vastergoth ( I hope I spelled that name right). 2 of the 5 members ( not including Paul) were present. This was actually nice because neither of them had seen each other since the mid 1980's. It was really super nice to see past rock heavy metal band members.

The gig was so great it was filled with a lot of fun nice Moose members. The Moose members are always nice and always have a hand out to strangers and visitors. That makes the time so much more memorable.

Sunday was a nice do nothing day. Gotta love thos! We went to Mother's for dinner and that is always nice because the woman knows how to cook really good.

I know what you want to know yes this is all good but what has happened in Big Brother? Oh ok here is the scoop. We know booby April is gone and her boy toy Oliie was left behind. The new Head Of Household turned out to be Dan. He made what I would say a stupid deal. In his attempt to appear weak he told Ollie that he would give him the decision making as to who goes up including POV. Well his decision is not good because Ollie pin pointed one from Dan's alliance and that was Memphis. So right now the 2 on the block are Memphis and old fart Jerry. Memphis is not too happy about it because he risks going home. All because Dan wanted to appear weak Memphis does not know its because he wants to appear weak he thinks it because oh dear "I want to keep my word." Yeah nice going Catholic boy. But not to worry friend because Memphis won Power of Veto. So this means Memphis has the power to take himself off the block leaving Dan to put up someone in his place. Well Memphis is not stupid he will take himself down and Dan plans on putting up Michelle. Wait Dan wasn't Michelle part of your deal? Oh yes Dan told Ollie in part of the big deal that he would not put up Michelle he would promise her safety but from what I have been reading you plan on putting up Michelle. Ok I am not complaining because I do not like Michelle but wait what happen to your word? Oh yeah it was never about word it is about appearing weak. Stay tune friends will Dan go back on his word and put up Michelle and golly gee put up go back on his word to Ollie? Or will he "let" Ollie pick who will go up because Ollie is going around thinking he is in charge. Stay tune by friends.

Now another thing to look forward to is tomorrow yes tomorrow the DWTS cast will be revealed! (Dancing with the Stars). Oh one more good thing....get ready Sept 28 The Amazing Race is back on! Oh life is good when trash tv is going full force.

Alright my friends ... the week may be short written my very favorite father in law is coming to town on Friday! I always LOVE when dad comes to town! Can't wait!

Ok stay tune my friends!

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