Is there still hope yes of course there is but not much....The saga continues....
Tonight is Big Brother (what you think all I do is watch the Mole oh you silly child you) I won't see much of Big Brother because I have a women of the Moose meeting...but up for eviction is Jessie and Memphis and I will admit in the beginning prior to the show I watched some pre interviews and Memphis I could not stand. Right now I am tolerating him because I so cannot stand Jessie...Ok Picture the Grand Canyon, the dessert in Nevada and this guys ego is still bigger. He tells people who leave the house you must think that its a great honor to be in here in this house and be able to work out with someone like me. Yeah he is a muscle man body builder who in the endurance competition was bragging how easy it was and dropped like a 10,000 pound brick and was out last by a 54 year old woman from New Orleans...Karma is sweet. He looks at people he doesn't like and blows them a kiss and goes "bye bye you are leaving" so this is the guy that is on the block...One would say oh easy choice vote him out...well America has voted and they want him out block we are one vote the other idiots have to vote in the house...I call them idiots because they have already proven they are by when they had the chance last week to get him out they did not. So the question is out there will the HGs have a brain and finally get rid of muscle boy? Thursday is eviction night so stay tuned!
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