This is what I am learning in my journey and I thought I would share it with you.
Your soul is speaking to you all the time. Most of us live in this fast paced world where technology is increasingly dictating our lives and lifestyle. Phones are constantly ringing or texting and the speed of response is less and less. It almost appears like people want their response NOW. With all this going on sometimes it makes it hard to hear your soul calling out to you. Now if you have no need to listen to your soul and enjoy the constant technological sounds then that is fine and you should thank the Technological angels for being near you. But if you wish to shut it down a little and perhaps listen to what your soul and spirits might be saying then I would suggest Meditation. Ok yes I know you say gee that is easy for you not so easy for me. I think it is easier then you think. When the body is in a state of calmness, the mind will eventually become still. It’s in this state of total relaxation that clarity can be found, as well as forging a stronger connection with your soul. Meditation is one of the key tools that will help you integrate your body, mind, and soul to become centered and grounded – to become one. This will promote a state of balance. You will feel more capable of dealing with your busy schedule, and over time, meditation will alleviate some of the tensions that you may be holding inside your body. Once these tensions are eliminated, it’s often the case that associated minor ailments can disappear as well.
So give it a shot. In the mornings find a quiet silent place and dedicate 5 to 10 minutes to being alone in this quiet place. Now if you say OMG I don’t have 10 minutes to spare oh alone, then to me that is the first obstacle you need to overcome. If you do not have 10 minutes to dedicate to yourself then you have a problem. I mean seriously 10 minutes for your spirit and soul is not a lot to ask for. Try meditating and just sitting there over time you may want to increase. In another posting I will write just a real easy way to start your meditation. No need right now to go out and spend money on tapes you have all the tools you need within you.
Later this week (or tomorrow) I will post a real easy way to get started on meditating something you can do all on your own with no help from anyone and you can do it in any place. What would be nice is to now start looking for a place you will designate as your “alone” space. This can be your bedroom in the mornings, your bedroom in the evenings, the living room, den, bathroom outside balcony or garden just look for a place. If you practice meditating in this place what will happen is over time you will walk into this space and you will feel that positive energy and you will find yourself meditating with ease.
Your soul is speaking to you all the time. Most of us live in this fast paced world where technology is increasingly dictating our lives and lifestyle. Phones are constantly ringing or texting and the speed of response is less and less. It almost appears like people want their response NOW. With all this going on sometimes it makes it hard to hear your soul calling out to you. Now if you have no need to listen to your soul and enjoy the constant technological sounds then that is fine and you should thank the Technological angels for being near you. But if you wish to shut it down a little and perhaps listen to what your soul and spirits might be saying then I would suggest Meditation. Ok yes I know you say gee that is easy for you not so easy for me. I think it is easier then you think. When the body is in a state of calmness, the mind will eventually become still. It’s in this state of total relaxation that clarity can be found, as well as forging a stronger connection with your soul. Meditation is one of the key tools that will help you integrate your body, mind, and soul to become centered and grounded – to become one. This will promote a state of balance. You will feel more capable of dealing with your busy schedule, and over time, meditation will alleviate some of the tensions that you may be holding inside your body. Once these tensions are eliminated, it’s often the case that associated minor ailments can disappear as well.
So give it a shot. In the mornings find a quiet silent place and dedicate 5 to 10 minutes to being alone in this quiet place. Now if you say OMG I don’t have 10 minutes to spare oh alone, then to me that is the first obstacle you need to overcome. If you do not have 10 minutes to dedicate to yourself then you have a problem. I mean seriously 10 minutes for your spirit and soul is not a lot to ask for. Try meditating and just sitting there over time you may want to increase. In another posting I will write just a real easy way to start your meditation. No need right now to go out and spend money on tapes you have all the tools you need within you.
Later this week (or tomorrow) I will post a real easy way to get started on meditating something you can do all on your own with no help from anyone and you can do it in any place. What would be nice is to now start looking for a place you will designate as your “alone” space. This can be your bedroom in the mornings, your bedroom in the evenings, the living room, den, bathroom outside balcony or garden just look for a place. If you practice meditating in this place what will happen is over time you will walk into this space and you will feel that positive energy and you will find yourself meditating with ease.
Stay Tune
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