Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday Baby!

Happy Wednesday and while away I failed to participate in another Wishcasting Wednesday but I am back and trying to get back on some what of a schedule. So this week the question is:

What do you wish to make room for?

The first thing that came to my mind was Peace. I want to make room for more Peace. Then I thought some more and I thought you know I think I want more spirituality and belief that while it looks dark there is going to be a sunrise for a better tomorrow. Meaning that right now sometimes things look gloom but one needs to hang in there because there is a reason for all this madness. By clearing out the gloom I leave room for Peace, Happiness and well being. There is much beauty around me and I am really fortunate to have some nice people around me too. I tend to complain about my surroundings (aka TOO HOT yuck yuck yuck yadi yadi yadi) but I have some real pretty scenery around. The Florida Keys is an hour away, other beaches and Harbors are less then that. Is it hot? Oh yeah it is brutal right now..and no not my cup of tea but I can see the beauty (if only from the inside of an a/c place).

So let me make my list


Not in any particular order because they go well together one feeds off the other and they all work together in harmony.

What will this week hold?

Stay tune...


Anonymous said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself I wish for her as well!

Jamie Ridler said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Here's for clearing away gloom and making room for all that yummy stuff!

Lawendula said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

5 very imporant things!

Karen D said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Danette said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Anonymous said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Here's to PEACE!!!!!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

As Peaceole wishes for her, so I wish for her also.

Anonymous said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Sarah Sullivan said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
Here is clearing out the gloom and Fall that brings cooler weather!!

Sara said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself I wish for her as well. xx

Grammy said...

Just go take a dip in the ocean and cool off a bit.
Let your inner child loose. Then all will follow.
As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Librarian Lee said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. Sweep away that gloom and let Peace wash over and fill all your space. This sounds perfect to me.

Giulietta Nardone said...

Dear Peaceole,

Five amazing things to make room for! I wish for them all to appear. Yes, I lived in Florida. It is toasty in the summer but delicious in the winter. Will never forget putting my chair in the water off New Symrna Beach and just soaking in the warmth. Could not do that in New England.

Enjoy! Giulietta

Lisa said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Oh yeah it must be hot ... but when I saw "the florida keys" I gasped with jealousy! Here winter is our indoor time, so I guess there summer is your indoor time. Autumn is coming, hold on ;)

Anonymous said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also! Wishes purely from that heart, can't go wrong with that!

Unknown said...

Hi, Peaceole. This sounds similar to my wish today. :-)

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.


Sarah Lulu said...

As Peacole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

LOTS of peace for you.

Pamela said...

As Peacole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

May your wishes be fulfilled abundantly!

Pamela said...

Ack! I apologize for the misspelling of your name, Peaceole!

kazari said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.
I like the idea of making room for angels...

sema said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
I am late in joining but may your wishes come true

CP said...

As Peaceole wishes for herslef, so too do I wish for her lovely peace and everything luscious that comes with it! :)

Lani Gerity said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, I so wish for her as well....

Rebekah said...

As Peaceole wishes for herself, so I wish for her also. :)