What a fabulous weekend! A while back I said I was going to learn and appreciate my surroundings after all I live in Paradise stop knocking it down because it is hot 90% of the time. Friday night we met up with a couple friends in South Miami and headed to eat at http://www.outback.com/. We had then decided we would try this Wine Tasting Eatery that had recently opened in that area. Well we went to Outback had a lovely dinner and conversation. Then we walked outside made a left and walked about 20 feet and into the Wine Place. This place is called Cavas Wine Tasting Room. To begin you purchase a Cavas debit card and deposit $20. So now you have $20 and this card is yours to keep and bring back. You refill it as often as you want. Cavas allows the customer to choose from over 80 bottles (88 in this place) of wine. The wines you select to taste are hooked up to a state of the art wine dispensing machine. Prices vary from low to high and you may tast by the ounce, half glass, or glass. They have tables and chairs inside to sit or you may sit outside in one of the comfortable couches. There is a menu for ordering items that you want to pair with your wine such as cheese or flatbreads. http://mycavas.com/ I have to tell you we so loved every single minute of it. We sat and talked and laughed and giggled. That was just a great way to end a long week of work.
Saturday we drove down to the Florida Keys Elks Lodge for a Sunset Picnic they were having. It was really nice. BBQ chicken and the fixins all outside by the water with a fabulous clear view of the sun as it set down. We ran to the shore side and watched that sun slowly go down. It really is a great sight to stand there and see that sun slowly go down and then poof it just disappears. There was music by a local DJ, and some silent auction items on the block. This was a fund raiser for the Lodge and we do enjoy when we can supporting each other.
Sunday was Mother's Day and I got a fabulous home made breakfast. Yum yum yum. Then I laid on the couch trying to catch up on The Mentalist and Paranormal State when the sunshining outside started calling my name. Well ok it was not the sun but rather the crispy newly cleaned pool and a fiesty husband just insisting I go in. So I did! I did managed to get out - 3 hours later. Oh the water was nice on a really long hot day. The evening ended with a fabulous trip to Coconut Grove and one of my faveorite restaurants there called Green Street. I so do love that place and its located in the heart of the Grove right on that corner. Yeah we sat there and saw all the pretty people walk by.
So overall I must say the weekend was pretty darn good....What does that mean for this week?
Stay Tune...
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