Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good bye 2009!

Last day of the year and here I am at work. Oh it is lovely being a grown up isn't it? The good news is I do not plan on working the full day. No estimate time of departure but it will not be a full day. After this a few stops at fish markets, wine market, meat market oh yes and Diet Coke Market (can't forget the Diet Coke) and oh boy I should be ready Freddie!

So in ending the year I came across this Astrological forecast for my sign (Leo) and I thought I would share it:

Leo Outlook for 2010

Oh, big playful Leo -- how the last couple of years have been dramatic (and often less than kind) for you! There's little doubt that whatever you've gone through in the last year, the uppers have fueled your inherent charm and lovability, and the downers have gotten a little ignored. That's one of the problems with being a Leo: you can be so sunny that no one notices the rainy days. Mars in your sign this spring is going to give you newfound energy and motivation to really get things done your way, and the summer will bring new opportunities to express yourself.

The challenges will be slowly changing from big drama to smaller, more manageable issues. You've probably been too busy taking care of others to really take care of yourself lately, but 2010 marks a new direction in taking yourself seriously, and taking care of yourself with the due diligence and concern you usually reserve for others. Don't think of it as becoming inwardly-focused; think of it as doing the necessary maintenance on yourself so you can do a better job of letting your light shine for others.

Life is going to be taking a turn for the philosophical in the next year. All of the noise and confusion of the last year may have made you neglect your Higher Self; that too should be a part of your personal care regimen. This year is going to provide ample opportunities for you to get caught up on your spiritual homework. And, unlike regular homework, you'll probably feel like there's a point to doing it!

I kind of like it I really kind of like...

Leo: Yearly Overview
Thursday, December 31, 2009 Provided by

So my hope and wish to everyone is that Health is strong, Love holds strong and dear, Happiness is in abundance, Peace is in your heart and life, and Prosperity is over flowing.

Good Bye 2009!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

48 Hours or so to go

Less than 48 hours before we start a brand new year. Boy what a roller coaster year this has been for me. There have been really great moments I must admit. I have had celebrations with friends, family and even a few "acquaintances". All were good. There have been sorrow shared and tears of what will never be. Over all I truly believe these things are Moments that happen because they were meant to happen. Sometimes we do not know why but there is always a reason.

I left behind a position that I in the beginning got great pleasure out of. I enjoyed the helping the social aspects and feeling of togetherness. Then that changed and I questioned if I was doing the right thing. I asked my Angels and God am I doing it and as always they respond to me in little signs. Sometimes its in actions others take or words people will say. It is all validating. So I sit and wonder what will 2010 and bring me? After all for so long my vacation time was split amount Elk Convention here and there and visitations. That is no longer the case so gee what will I do I asked my angels?

Well I then found some great workshops on meditation, peace, forgiveness and balancing. Ok this is good! I had always been interested in this but I have to admit it went on the back burner because of those other commitments. So now I am getting back to basics and learning to grow spiritually which includes forgiveness - and then it came...

I read about this upcoming convention titled "I Can Do It!" What caught my attention was that the main speaker is a guy I have read about and even have some of his CDs. I respect him and like him. But wait there is more..there are others scheduled for workshops and oh my goodness I have read her book, and her book and have her CD. It is like wow this is cool. But the question comes up can I afford it?

Well the convention is in Toronto Canada - ok never been there so this sounds nice. Let me check flight prices. Oh but wait I have frequent flyer miles surely not enough. Oh boy the answer came again why yes you have enough miles to cover your flight. Oh dear can I? What do you mean can I look at the title. Ok the registration fee is reasonable for all I am getting which is 4 days of workshops and lectures. But here is the what sealed the deal. The convention is during the weekend of Memorial Day. Oh yes I can do it! Normally I am attending a convention during those days. So here it comes full circle and the title I CAN DO IT! So I did it! Yes I booked the flight (thank you air miles), booked the convention (at a discount rate) and now I am looking forward to Memorial Day!

So 2010 I hope and believe will be good. I am not sure how the whole year will be but as long as I have my friends and family close by I know things will be good.

Oh boy tomorrow last day of the year...what will we do?

Stay Tune...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Long update

Ok where do we begin. Yes I know it has been ages since my last update what can I say time flies when you are having fun.

When last we left off I was preparing for a girls night out to celebrate a birthday. We had that and boy oh boy did we have fun. We had a great time. Here is a picture of Patty and Allison. We are sitting at Kobe a local Hibachi style place.

Now we start with the Leach Family Christmas.

The event was rather fun. Daddy dearest for the first time came and stayed with us. It was rather fun and nice. Over here you will see my 3 boys just acting well....silly. Yes they were sober, (well ok 2 of the 3 were sober).

Then came The Bellver Family Christmas.

We are a special bunch. We don't do things quietly or discreetly. We just have in your face fun. And yeah we sure did. There was a pig that took several hours cooking in the backyard box. They also made a turkey for those guests who did not particularly care for pork. The night was long and fun and somehow we managed to survive the whole weekend. I can't wait to do it again next year! Have a great Holiday! What will the new year bring and how will we ring in the new year?
Stay Tune..

Friday, December 18, 2009

Angel of the Day Message

Happy Friday. Ok so I was not sure what to write to end the week after all I wrote pretty much everything I was doing so while I was doing my daily inspirational reviews I thought wait let me share this.

Ok so today I am going to share my Angel of the Day message. In case you had any doubt, angels are everywhere. Not only do they deliver messages from the God, but they also serve to protect, guide and inspire.

So today the Angel of the Day message comes from the Angel of the Essence of Love. Here is their message:

"Let love be the center of my life."

This Seraphin helps you realize that at your core you are love. Thus you can experience love in all things and share your being with others.

So there you have it... BTW this Angel in the picture is/are the angels on my desk. I need them close by sometimes during the workday. I am sure you all can relate...
How is the weekend going to be? Stay Tune...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

OMG a week till Christmas!

Oh it is getting closer and closer to Christmas! Yeah baby! Yes I am going to be good this year I have been on this spiritual journey that is making think twice and react differently and I have to say I totally love it.

I want to share a book I am reading right now. It is called The Shack by WM. Paul Young the book does have a website and it is quite enlightening. Makes one think about things and speaks of forgiveness and regrets. Truly a good easy read.

Ok this weekend appears to be turning to be a nice one. Friday Night I am going to friends house with some other good friends and we all plan on hanging and having a nice time. I truly enjoy spending time with my friends and I have some really nice ones. Saturday the girls and I are celebrating a birthday. No not mine one of the girls. Actually her birthday is on the 27th and since its still in holiday mode we decided to do some early celebrating. So far the plan is CineBistro and spending the night at the Marriott.

Sunday should be a day of rest...

Or maybe I should make cookies I got this great recipe

1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup or brown sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila

Sample the Cuervo to check quality.. Take a large bowl,
Check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality,
Pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter
In a large fluffy bowl.

Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point
it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still ok, try another
Cup just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy.

Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup
Of dried fruit.

Pick the frigging fruit off the floor.

Mix on the turner.

If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaters just pry
It loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who geeves
A sheet. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can

Greash the oven.

Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall

Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the
Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the wishdasher.
Cherry Mistmas !

Stay Tune for feedback..

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lets do this again

Ok here we are at Monday again. Yeah lets go ahead and do this week again. When last I left off I went to my first Elk Meeting since letting go of the high and mighty powerful position (if that sounded sarcastic yes it was meant that way). It was nice. A friend met me there so I would not need to sit alone and it was rather nice to chat with him. There were quite a few eye opening glances and OOHHHH Dolores HELLO! Some I have to admit were quite genuine. I could tell by the tone in their voice they truly were sincere in seeing me and that felt rather nice. Over all it was nice. A few things I noticed that were not quite right and some "song and dance" phrases being said but I guess having been in the mist of things I just got to read the signs. I found it interesting that when we use to say something in the past it was oh please you are spoiled yadi yadi yadi and now humm....I heard those same phrases only wait...the new administration is saying it? What? How can that be? But I thought you had all the answers? It was nice to sit there and just smile and think ok this is good I feel good about my new journey in life.

But an Elks Lodge is like a small town news travels quickly. By this I mean a couple days later I got a phone call from someone who said "I heard you went to a meeting does this mean you are coming back to the fold?" It's funny because I am sure this person said what others there were thinking and this person was not even at the meeting! Well I broke the news that no I am not returning I will come to an occasional meeting and that is as far as my involvement will go no more volunteering no more lending a hand just attend a meeting and that's about it. This person (who is a current officer) was actually glad to hear that because they do not particularly care for the new group but is doing it as a favor to someone. However he told me he is the same way he will not volunteer in anything just do his part and come to a dinner or two.

I am glad I went it felt good to do that. I will go there this week again. The GATE Program is having a graduation dinner this week there and I always support this good cause especially since it is a good friend who runs it.

Now to the weekend. As weekends go it was rather quiet and nice. Finished up the Christmas shopping. (I think). Friday we went to dinner with a good friend and it was a really nice end to a busy week. I love going out with friends.

Saturday we went to my brothers house for a hang out and pre-Christmas party. It was a practice Christmas Eve party. The real Christmas Eve party will much more wild then this one was! But it was really nice and memorable.

Sunday was great. Christmas shopping, Great Dolphin game ( Go Fins!) and then over to Buffalo Wings for dinner.

Not bad for the weekend is what I say,,

So how will this week be?

Stay Tune..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My rant for Wednesday

Ok this is it today is the day. If I go through with it I will go to my first Elks Meeting tonight at the lodge ever since the new administration took over. I am not happy with the new administration they have driven out two loyal groups, one that is a charitable organization, and they just smile and say we are making TONS of money. Yet when you drive by there on the weekends at night its closed completely black. Ok Ok release this is part of my forgiveness journey. I will not volunteer for them (heck I learned that lesson never again) but I will go to occasional meetings.

On another serious note the fate of daytime soaps is changing and I wish it was for the better. Let me start by saying I am a loyal ABC Daytime soap fan. I have watched all 3 soaps well since the 70's - yes I said the 70's! I love my soaps, I have gone (a few times) to ABC Soap Weekends. Now the economy is making the soap world as we know it a thing some of vets are sad about. All My Children announced a while back that they will relocate their studios from NYC to wait for it California! Now some of us fans have been having a problem with ABC President for hiring Pratts as the Head writer for AMC - why you ask? Well because he has totally screwed up the writing in the last 2 years. He has messed up characters, had stupid story lines that were not just too long but ever so boring. Oh as if that was not bad enough he killed off a beloved character!! OMG and for what? For a stupid stupid stupid murder that turned out to be way too long and then the "trial" was like a 5 minute trial. Ok hello by the time we got to the trial we just did not care anymore. Fans have been vocal in how unhappy we were and ABC President Frons looked like he was ignoring we certainly know Pratts didn't care what fans thought. SO then we go into a recession and soap veterans are asked to take a reduction in salary. Ok some do! Alright this is good. But the bad writing continues. Then the move is announced and we learn some of our characters will not be making the move from NYC to LA. Oh dear Lord please say it isn't so. But then another announcement is made Pratts has been FIRED! Yes he will NOT be making the move. Thank God! But now who the heck is going to clean up the mess he has made. I do not know but whoever it is will have a hard time. It will not be over night and there will be some moans and groans (yes most likely from me too) but I can only hope it will save the show.

I say save because rumors have been circulating that the reason for this move is to save AMC from being cancelled however the rumors includes that One Life To Live is in danger. Ok as far as writing OLTL is doing much better. Ok some stories are better then others but some have been pretty good. In listening to a podcast of some savvy industry insiders it has been said (within the small circle) that the AMC will not get cancelled until they at least make their money back from this move and OLTL will be in serious danger. It is also predicted that within the next 5 to 10 years daytime will be limited to maybe one Daytime soap and then talk shows. Dear God what has the world turned to where a little sex, drugs, baby switching, paternity test stories are no longer the norm?

Stay Tune

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Where did the time go

Where did the time go? It seems the days are just going faster and faster. This weekend was rather nice. Friday I went to the local Moose Lodge for a Sock Hop that I sort of helped with. I got the decorations and hired the DJ. The Sock Hop was so much fun. There are a bunch of really nice people there who during the food serving will work their buns off and then afterwards just be really nice to each other and relax and have fun. The music was playing hard and some old friends from the other lodge came by and it was nice to see and hang out with them. I do miss some of my friends but they are around so that is a nice to have.
Then Saturday was a hang out day and that evening I went to the Movies (Cinebistro-Dolphin Mall) which is turning out to be my new favorite obsession; I went there with a friend to see Old Dogs with Robin Williams and John Travolta and it was funny. There were many cheesy one liners and obvious funny moments but over all it was not bad. For a good feel good laugh I totally recommend it.
Sunday was another fabulous day at home. We went to the in laws for dinner which is always nice especially when someone else does the cooking.
Next thing I know here it is Monday and heck now Tuesday? Where did the time go?
Stay tune..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Middle of the week

Here we are at Thursday already. Ok not quite middle of the week but not the very end either. Todays tasks are simple. Leave work early to go to the dentist for the ever popular check up. I am sure he will suggest some more cosmetic procedures to close the gap but I am WAY over budget on this work I had done and decided forget it this will have to wait till...whenever...

Then I go to the Moose Lodge. No not a meeting night but tomorrow night we are having a Sock Hop and I brought the decorations and recommended the DJ that will be playing so I guess this means I need to make an appearance and lend a helping hand. It is the least I could do since it really is the same 4 people who seem to do all the stuff. And since they are my decorations it would be so rude to leave it there and go you do it.

So tomorrow night is the Sock Hop and I am looking forward to it. The group got a tent donated to go on the outside plus a dance floor there too! That is where the music will be. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I may even post a picture or two on Facebook.

Yes I am getting used to my new phone. The picture taking has been fun especially since I have learned how to post it on Facebook. Webbing through the Internet well...That is still something I have to get used to. One good thing I finally learned how to tell if I got a missed call. Yeah it is the simple things in life that make me go ahhhh.

No reality show to speak of since this is the time the shows are taking their break. The only one out there remotely interesting is Survivor and that is because they got a really bad villain on there. This guy is bad really bad to the bone. In the beginning oh man I could not stand him he had to go but now I want to see how far he can go and what he can get away with. This guy is like a trip with how he calls the people idiots, and stupid fools (yes all behind their backs to us they had no idea - until now). So for that I want to see how far Russell will go. I do not think he will win I seriously doubt it. Experience has shown that the ones that brag and boost about being the best and owning everything there usually do not win. Unless you are Dr. Will.

So will Russell go all the way?

Stay Tune..