Monday, September 28, 2009

I survived this weekend

Oh weekend weekend where did you go. And how in the world did I survive you? Literally. Friday started rather nice. Went to work, then met up with the gang of usual Friday Night Suspects and we had dinner at Asian Fusion ( It was good. The food there was great and the company was great too. Saturday we went to our Lodge for a last hurrah. The Gold-Diggers hired a Professional Karaoke sound guy and the girls all came dressed in some costume. There was good food, lots of drinks, laughter and oh yeah a lot of singing. All I can say when a certain husband got up to sing Lola by the Kinks I was left speechless. I know I should of filmed it. Needless to say we had a super blast that night.

Then Sunday we went back to the Lodge (yes I promise I am leaving this was the last official visit) for a special meeting. It was mainly done to help a friend who was put in the middle. So I finish this meeting and I am acting as a bartender and as I am walking hold this bottle of beer I tripped on something on the floor. Well can you imagine what is going through my head? Holy cow I have a bottle of beer in my hand, I am about to fall and there is empty glass around me ok quick note to self "DO NOT FALL!" So my quick action was to reach for the bar top and hold on tight and well a major part of me held on so tight my upper right arm/shoulder are in some major pain! Yes pain. That night I had some pain pills that were left over from the first mouth surgery so I made sure to pop one ok two. Did the pain go away? No but I got relaxed and slept nicely. This morning the pain was just still there and it still is there but not over the top bad like last night.

So Yes I survived the weekend. Not sure how but I did. How will this week be?

Stay Tune..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TV Season is back!

Happy Tuesday!

Well finally DWTS started last night and they began with the men performing. Each couple got to do two numbers one was individual and then the 2nd was a group of sorts where the top 4 got points from 4 to 10 added to their voting totals.

I was not surprised my Donny was excellent. He has been wanting to dance on there for such a long time and he finally got it. The look on his face showed how badly he wanted to be there and when he was given a critique he took it very well but when he was given a compliment boy oh boy you could see those pearly whites. It was pretty cool to see.

Aaron Carter really stood out. Oh to be that young and be able to do back flips again. Donny may have to make him an offer he cannot refuse...oh no did I say that?

Mark Dacascos (Iron Chef America ) is another one that kind of took me back. The man has a great comic style. He has some good moves too and he may be one to also watch out for.

If anyone was hoping Tom DeLay would pull a victory. Go back to bed because he just totally did not get it. In all fairness the others against him were flying all over the place and he was barely able to hold on. He was paired with Cheryl Burke who has won it twice but sorry Cheryl I do not see it happening.

Another one I do not see happening is Ashley Hamilton. Ashley has the body image but like Bruno said his dad had the charisma. But darn it he is paired with (in my opinion) one of the best dancers there and that is Edyta Sliwinska. This girl year after year you see her and its like WOW she can dance and move. Of course they usually pair her with someone hard to train, with the exception of Cameron Mathison. I hope Ashley does not leave only because I would like to see Edyta dance some more and maybe get his behind in gear.

That is about it. The week is just beginning the women dance tonight.

Stay Tune..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Free at Last...well almost

Someone sent this to me recently and I was reading some of the quotes on it and thought yeah this is pretty cool because a lot of it I have actually thought. Some of the other quotes I would like to believe is valid and some others I truly believe it is true so for that here it is my friends.

I thought as it gets closer to the end of the month the times would be more stressful but it has not. The thought of not having to deal with nasty people insisting on more of my time actually brings a smile to my face. And then when I saw some people come in and well kick you when you are down type I thought yes thank you God you are right I made the right decision. Thank you for showing me this as proof.

1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. You are special and unique.

8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.

11. Always remember the compliments you received..Forget about the rude remarks.

Always remember... when life hands you Lemons, ask for Tequila and Salt and call me over!

Good friends are like stars.........You don't always see them, But you know they are always there.

"Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"

I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The line has been drawn

Well last nights meeting was as expected ugly. The two men from Mars came showing their ugly claws. They spoke about stuff they had no knowledge of acting like they knew and then that silly look of shock when someone with knowledge informed them that hello you are wrong and if one did what you want it would be breaking the law and going to jail. Then they have the nerve to sit there and start tossing accusations of the reasons people are doing what they are doing. No we are not being forced. (Since when has anyone forced me to do anything I don't want to do - he surely does not know me). It is just that I pick friendship over a bully. I refuse to give more of my time then I already have. Oh I got the line well we have this one guy who cooks for us, answers our phones, stays at night to watch rentals and he does it for free. Well good for him guess what I work for living! I have financial obligations. I have gotten used to indoor plumbing and electricity and that thing of a roof over my head really is appealing to me. To me that just sealed the deal in my decision. Anyone who can in all their talking be mean and nasty is not someone or a place I want to associate myself with.

I then asked myself why am I stressing over this? Honestly this is a volunteer portion of my life. I enjoyed helping out I truly do but when you demand I give more, and when I say I say no you say YES and you give me an ultimatum well the result is never going to be good. At least not with me. I hope some of my friends understand I think my true friends will. We have spoken and we decided we will continue to see each other and that will make it just that much more fun.

So I have one more event to do and that is this Sunday. I am going to pretend to be a bartender for the 1:00 Dolphins game. Go FINS! I promised the cook I would be there so I will be there. But that will most likely be one of my last appearances. As a volunteer I may return in a month when the place is packed with people as the wife of one of the members said.

Stay Tune

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Make a wish it is Wednesday!

Each week Jamie Ridler (@Starshyne) asks us a very important question.
This week the question is:

What do you wish to learn?
It sounds like an easy question doesn't it? But we all know better. I thought about this for a little while and here is what I came up with.

I wish to learn to pick something that I truly want to explore and grow. For example there was a time I was focusing my attention on Spiritual Awareness and meditation and just getting to know my spirit. Then I got distracted with volunteering for the Elks Lodge and found myself being consumed by that and ignored well not ignored just did not focus as much on my Spirituality. Well last night I had a one on one with my Spirit Guide and other Spirits and I realized I needed to get back to what truly enriches my passion. So it is amazing this question came up today. Because I am going to learn to look within me more and do what makes me and my spirit happy. Amazingly last night was the first step wasn't it?
So here is to you my spirits! I have already made an appointment for a workshop next month and I am looking forward to it. The time has come to focus my energies in a direction where I will not receive negative output.
Surgery number one complete. In the end this will also help my spirit because it involves my smile. I have a ways to go however, I going to stick this one out. How will this all end?
Stay Tune..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday is here.

Happy Tuesday. One more day until the famous Hump Day or actually the Wishcasting Wednesday. What will it bring. Tomorrow for me will be a big Lodge Meeting where final statements to the corporate big wigs will be made. They won't like it but I have heard comments from them saying "So what the Lodge will continue anyway." and then someone said "In a month we will have it packed with people." All I can say is ok Good Luck. I will be sure to stop by in a month and see the tons of people. (I can't wait for that one!)

On another note I recently was reading some Tuesday Tips regarding business and I thought it was interesting because it was about Time Management and being overwhelmed with things to do. Here is what was said:

No one ever seems to have enough time anymore. In fact, just about everyone talks about being swamped at work and snowed under at home. And that's a lousy way to live.
So what's the answer? It may NOT be putting in more hours. It may be learning how to use your hours more effectively.

This sounded about right and logical so I continued reading where he outlined steps, however, I had issues with the first step. Is this a sign?

The first step was to Learn to say No once in a while. Ah ok maybe in my personal volunteer life (as a matter of fact No will be used very often soon) but not in my work life. Hello? If my boss gives me a project I do not think it will go over very well if I say ah gee Boss no not right now.

Some of the other advices were better such as:
  • Avoid over-commitment. (Who me? nah!)
  • Maintain a master calendar. (Ok I can do that and pretty much do)
  • Schedule major projects.
    If you have a number of major projects gathering dust because you're going to do them when you "find time," stop waiting and start scheduling. (Yeah I have to say I can relate to this one).
  • Use lists. (Check)
  • Start with some unpleasant tasks.
    Most people waste more time thinking about dreaded tasks than actually doing them. But if you get one or more of your most disliked jobs out of the way first, you'll get a great sense of accomplishment. (OMG this actually makes sense)
  • Avoid Perfectionism - (me perfect? Hardly)
  • Delegate occassionally - (well here again when you are not the boss delegating is not one of those things one can do easily).

Ok so not too bad I am not against all that stuff. But then I was given an action


Pick out 1 tip to focus on. Keep on using that tip until it has become an automatic and natural thing for you to do. And then go on to picking out and mastering a second technique.

Oh boy let me sleep on that and get back to you..

Stay Tune..

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday for real

Very rare for me to post during the weekend but I thought oh heck why not. I had the chance to see how buzzards circle. By this I mean that word is getting out of how some of my volunteer friends and I are no longer willing to accept ultimatums that are really not to benefit the Lodge. One gets to see true colors come out. People who openly talk bad about you and your friends come to your place and actually smile! How sad but eye opening. I have a lot of really nice friends from the Elks and that will not change but I got to see first hand nastiness and how true colors. I will not forget that and it only validates what I have already decided to do. I wish them well..

Today I went to a baby shower. I love baby showers all the oh how cute oh how nice make me so happy that I have no more babies at home! This party originally was scheduled by the pool however we live in Miami and this is the season where it rains and rains and rains. Especially Labor Day. It always rains here on Labor and Memorial Day. So the party was moved indoors to my friends house. Sounds nice right? Well her place is not the largest and even with the a/c down to 62 degrees it was hot inside. Apparently that was as cold as it was going to get people were hoping for cooler but it was not going to happen. Overall the people had a good time, the couple got lots of fabulous gifts.

Now on to Big Brother! OMG honestly Kevin and sad clown winning the POV so totally sucked. It appears Michele will be going home. I don't even care anymore because last week my favorite player Jeff was sent packing. This means once Michele gets sent packing my only fave player will be Jordan and while I like Jordan girlfriend can't play to save her life. This means that one of those nasty ones will most likely win. ARGG ok on to next season...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday how appropriate

Each week Jamie Ridler (@Starshyne) asks us a very important question.
Jaime you are truly wise beyond your young years. This week the question is:

What do you wish to begin?

Oh boy with the recent turmoil that I have been struggling with (in regards to the Elks) this question comes at a great time.

So here are things I wish to begin:

I wish to begin a simple happy Elk-duty free Life. I believe in the causes but find that I no longer can honestly work with people who are mean and nasty and say very nasty things to me and my friends. That is no longer an option. You can do so much to help others, strangers but you cannot help your own? Speaks volume.

This is going to unleash a whole new chapter in my free time life. I cannot wait to start the experience. As a matter of fact I have already signed up for a Lecture on Guardian Angels for next month and I cannot wait to go to it.

So I guess I am wishing to begin a new chapter and journey and it will be interesting to see what will make my passion for helping grow. The Elks are great they really are. I have a ton of friends there and I adore them all and one could always argue why let some few destroy that. But the few are "Corporate Demons" yes I call them that. When someone who is suppose to help you calls you and is being out right mean and nasty and trashing everything you stand for I no longer can stand there and smile. Oh I will smile there is a smile and all I have to say is "Let me know how that works out for you."

Wow I actually feel a releash after writing this. Oh what a question will do....

Stay Tune...