Thursday, December 31, 2009

Good bye 2009!

Last day of the year and here I am at work. Oh it is lovely being a grown up isn't it? The good news is I do not plan on working the full day. No estimate time of departure but it will not be a full day. After this a few stops at fish markets, wine market, meat market oh yes and Diet Coke Market (can't forget the Diet Coke) and oh boy I should be ready Freddie!

So in ending the year I came across this Astrological forecast for my sign (Leo) and I thought I would share it:

Leo Outlook for 2010

Oh, big playful Leo -- how the last couple of years have been dramatic (and often less than kind) for you! There's little doubt that whatever you've gone through in the last year, the uppers have fueled your inherent charm and lovability, and the downers have gotten a little ignored. That's one of the problems with being a Leo: you can be so sunny that no one notices the rainy days. Mars in your sign this spring is going to give you newfound energy and motivation to really get things done your way, and the summer will bring new opportunities to express yourself.

The challenges will be slowly changing from big drama to smaller, more manageable issues. You've probably been too busy taking care of others to really take care of yourself lately, but 2010 marks a new direction in taking yourself seriously, and taking care of yourself with the due diligence and concern you usually reserve for others. Don't think of it as becoming inwardly-focused; think of it as doing the necessary maintenance on yourself so you can do a better job of letting your light shine for others.

Life is going to be taking a turn for the philosophical in the next year. All of the noise and confusion of the last year may have made you neglect your Higher Self; that too should be a part of your personal care regimen. This year is going to provide ample opportunities for you to get caught up on your spiritual homework. And, unlike regular homework, you'll probably feel like there's a point to doing it!

I kind of like it I really kind of like...

Leo: Yearly Overview
Thursday, December 31, 2009 Provided by

So my hope and wish to everyone is that Health is strong, Love holds strong and dear, Happiness is in abundance, Peace is in your heart and life, and Prosperity is over flowing.

Good Bye 2009!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

48 Hours or so to go

Less than 48 hours before we start a brand new year. Boy what a roller coaster year this has been for me. There have been really great moments I must admit. I have had celebrations with friends, family and even a few "acquaintances". All were good. There have been sorrow shared and tears of what will never be. Over all I truly believe these things are Moments that happen because they were meant to happen. Sometimes we do not know why but there is always a reason.

I left behind a position that I in the beginning got great pleasure out of. I enjoyed the helping the social aspects and feeling of togetherness. Then that changed and I questioned if I was doing the right thing. I asked my Angels and God am I doing it and as always they respond to me in little signs. Sometimes its in actions others take or words people will say. It is all validating. So I sit and wonder what will 2010 and bring me? After all for so long my vacation time was split amount Elk Convention here and there and visitations. That is no longer the case so gee what will I do I asked my angels?

Well I then found some great workshops on meditation, peace, forgiveness and balancing. Ok this is good! I had always been interested in this but I have to admit it went on the back burner because of those other commitments. So now I am getting back to basics and learning to grow spiritually which includes forgiveness - and then it came...

I read about this upcoming convention titled "I Can Do It!" What caught my attention was that the main speaker is a guy I have read about and even have some of his CDs. I respect him and like him. But wait there is more..there are others scheduled for workshops and oh my goodness I have read her book, and her book and have her CD. It is like wow this is cool. But the question comes up can I afford it?

Well the convention is in Toronto Canada - ok never been there so this sounds nice. Let me check flight prices. Oh but wait I have frequent flyer miles surely not enough. Oh boy the answer came again why yes you have enough miles to cover your flight. Oh dear can I? What do you mean can I look at the title. Ok the registration fee is reasonable for all I am getting which is 4 days of workshops and lectures. But here is the what sealed the deal. The convention is during the weekend of Memorial Day. Oh yes I can do it! Normally I am attending a convention during those days. So here it comes full circle and the title I CAN DO IT! So I did it! Yes I booked the flight (thank you air miles), booked the convention (at a discount rate) and now I am looking forward to Memorial Day!

So 2010 I hope and believe will be good. I am not sure how the whole year will be but as long as I have my friends and family close by I know things will be good.

Oh boy tomorrow last day of the year...what will we do?

Stay Tune...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Long update

Ok where do we begin. Yes I know it has been ages since my last update what can I say time flies when you are having fun.

When last we left off I was preparing for a girls night out to celebrate a birthday. We had that and boy oh boy did we have fun. We had a great time. Here is a picture of Patty and Allison. We are sitting at Kobe a local Hibachi style place.

Now we start with the Leach Family Christmas.

The event was rather fun. Daddy dearest for the first time came and stayed with us. It was rather fun and nice. Over here you will see my 3 boys just acting well....silly. Yes they were sober, (well ok 2 of the 3 were sober).

Then came The Bellver Family Christmas.

We are a special bunch. We don't do things quietly or discreetly. We just have in your face fun. And yeah we sure did. There was a pig that took several hours cooking in the backyard box. They also made a turkey for those guests who did not particularly care for pork. The night was long and fun and somehow we managed to survive the whole weekend. I can't wait to do it again next year! Have a great Holiday! What will the new year bring and how will we ring in the new year?
Stay Tune..

Friday, December 18, 2009

Angel of the Day Message

Happy Friday. Ok so I was not sure what to write to end the week after all I wrote pretty much everything I was doing so while I was doing my daily inspirational reviews I thought wait let me share this.

Ok so today I am going to share my Angel of the Day message. In case you had any doubt, angels are everywhere. Not only do they deliver messages from the God, but they also serve to protect, guide and inspire.

So today the Angel of the Day message comes from the Angel of the Essence of Love. Here is their message:

"Let love be the center of my life."

This Seraphin helps you realize that at your core you are love. Thus you can experience love in all things and share your being with others.

So there you have it... BTW this Angel in the picture is/are the angels on my desk. I need them close by sometimes during the workday. I am sure you all can relate...
How is the weekend going to be? Stay Tune...

Thursday, December 17, 2009

OMG a week till Christmas!

Oh it is getting closer and closer to Christmas! Yeah baby! Yes I am going to be good this year I have been on this spiritual journey that is making think twice and react differently and I have to say I totally love it.

I want to share a book I am reading right now. It is called The Shack by WM. Paul Young the book does have a website and it is quite enlightening. Makes one think about things and speaks of forgiveness and regrets. Truly a good easy read.

Ok this weekend appears to be turning to be a nice one. Friday Night I am going to friends house with some other good friends and we all plan on hanging and having a nice time. I truly enjoy spending time with my friends and I have some really nice ones. Saturday the girls and I are celebrating a birthday. No not mine one of the girls. Actually her birthday is on the 27th and since its still in holiday mode we decided to do some early celebrating. So far the plan is CineBistro and spending the night at the Marriott.

Sunday should be a day of rest...

Or maybe I should make cookies I got this great recipe

1 cup of water
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup of sugar
1 tsp salt
1 cup or brown sugar
4 large eggs
1 cup nuts
2 cups of dried fruit
1 bottle Jose Cuervo Tequila

Sample the Cuervo to check quality.. Take a large bowl,
Check the Cuervo again, to be sure it is of the highest quality,
Pour one level cup and drink.

Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter
In a large fluffy bowl.

Add one peastoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point
it's best to make sure the Cuervo is still ok, try another
Cup just in case.

Turn off the mixerer thingy.

Break 2 leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup
Of dried fruit.

Pick the frigging fruit off the floor.

Mix on the turner.

If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaters just pry
It loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the Cuervo to check for tonsisticity.

Next, sift two cups of salt, or something. Who geeves
A sheet. Check the Jose Cuervo. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts.

Add one table.

Add a spoon of sugar, or somefink. Whatever you can

Greash the oven.

Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall

Don't forget to beat off the turner.

Finally, throw the bowl through the window, finish the
Cose Juervo and make sure to put the stove in the wishdasher.
Cherry Mistmas !

Stay Tune for feedback..

Monday, December 14, 2009

Lets do this again

Ok here we are at Monday again. Yeah lets go ahead and do this week again. When last I left off I went to my first Elk Meeting since letting go of the high and mighty powerful position (if that sounded sarcastic yes it was meant that way). It was nice. A friend met me there so I would not need to sit alone and it was rather nice to chat with him. There were quite a few eye opening glances and OOHHHH Dolores HELLO! Some I have to admit were quite genuine. I could tell by the tone in their voice they truly were sincere in seeing me and that felt rather nice. Over all it was nice. A few things I noticed that were not quite right and some "song and dance" phrases being said but I guess having been in the mist of things I just got to read the signs. I found it interesting that when we use to say something in the past it was oh please you are spoiled yadi yadi yadi and now humm....I heard those same phrases only wait...the new administration is saying it? What? How can that be? But I thought you had all the answers? It was nice to sit there and just smile and think ok this is good I feel good about my new journey in life.

But an Elks Lodge is like a small town news travels quickly. By this I mean a couple days later I got a phone call from someone who said "I heard you went to a meeting does this mean you are coming back to the fold?" It's funny because I am sure this person said what others there were thinking and this person was not even at the meeting! Well I broke the news that no I am not returning I will come to an occasional meeting and that is as far as my involvement will go no more volunteering no more lending a hand just attend a meeting and that's about it. This person (who is a current officer) was actually glad to hear that because they do not particularly care for the new group but is doing it as a favor to someone. However he told me he is the same way he will not volunteer in anything just do his part and come to a dinner or two.

I am glad I went it felt good to do that. I will go there this week again. The GATE Program is having a graduation dinner this week there and I always support this good cause especially since it is a good friend who runs it.

Now to the weekend. As weekends go it was rather quiet and nice. Finished up the Christmas shopping. (I think). Friday we went to dinner with a good friend and it was a really nice end to a busy week. I love going out with friends.

Saturday we went to my brothers house for a hang out and pre-Christmas party. It was a practice Christmas Eve party. The real Christmas Eve party will much more wild then this one was! But it was really nice and memorable.

Sunday was great. Christmas shopping, Great Dolphin game ( Go Fins!) and then over to Buffalo Wings for dinner.

Not bad for the weekend is what I say,,

So how will this week be?

Stay Tune..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My rant for Wednesday

Ok this is it today is the day. If I go through with it I will go to my first Elks Meeting tonight at the lodge ever since the new administration took over. I am not happy with the new administration they have driven out two loyal groups, one that is a charitable organization, and they just smile and say we are making TONS of money. Yet when you drive by there on the weekends at night its closed completely black. Ok Ok release this is part of my forgiveness journey. I will not volunteer for them (heck I learned that lesson never again) but I will go to occasional meetings.

On another serious note the fate of daytime soaps is changing and I wish it was for the better. Let me start by saying I am a loyal ABC Daytime soap fan. I have watched all 3 soaps well since the 70's - yes I said the 70's! I love my soaps, I have gone (a few times) to ABC Soap Weekends. Now the economy is making the soap world as we know it a thing some of vets are sad about. All My Children announced a while back that they will relocate their studios from NYC to wait for it California! Now some of us fans have been having a problem with ABC President for hiring Pratts as the Head writer for AMC - why you ask? Well because he has totally screwed up the writing in the last 2 years. He has messed up characters, had stupid story lines that were not just too long but ever so boring. Oh as if that was not bad enough he killed off a beloved character!! OMG and for what? For a stupid stupid stupid murder that turned out to be way too long and then the "trial" was like a 5 minute trial. Ok hello by the time we got to the trial we just did not care anymore. Fans have been vocal in how unhappy we were and ABC President Frons looked like he was ignoring we certainly know Pratts didn't care what fans thought. SO then we go into a recession and soap veterans are asked to take a reduction in salary. Ok some do! Alright this is good. But the bad writing continues. Then the move is announced and we learn some of our characters will not be making the move from NYC to LA. Oh dear Lord please say it isn't so. But then another announcement is made Pratts has been FIRED! Yes he will NOT be making the move. Thank God! But now who the heck is going to clean up the mess he has made. I do not know but whoever it is will have a hard time. It will not be over night and there will be some moans and groans (yes most likely from me too) but I can only hope it will save the show.

I say save because rumors have been circulating that the reason for this move is to save AMC from being cancelled however the rumors includes that One Life To Live is in danger. Ok as far as writing OLTL is doing much better. Ok some stories are better then others but some have been pretty good. In listening to a podcast of some savvy industry insiders it has been said (within the small circle) that the AMC will not get cancelled until they at least make their money back from this move and OLTL will be in serious danger. It is also predicted that within the next 5 to 10 years daytime will be limited to maybe one Daytime soap and then talk shows. Dear God what has the world turned to where a little sex, drugs, baby switching, paternity test stories are no longer the norm?

Stay Tune

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Where did the time go

Where did the time go? It seems the days are just going faster and faster. This weekend was rather nice. Friday I went to the local Moose Lodge for a Sock Hop that I sort of helped with. I got the decorations and hired the DJ. The Sock Hop was so much fun. There are a bunch of really nice people there who during the food serving will work their buns off and then afterwards just be really nice to each other and relax and have fun. The music was playing hard and some old friends from the other lodge came by and it was nice to see and hang out with them. I do miss some of my friends but they are around so that is a nice to have.
Then Saturday was a hang out day and that evening I went to the Movies (Cinebistro-Dolphin Mall) which is turning out to be my new favorite obsession; I went there with a friend to see Old Dogs with Robin Williams and John Travolta and it was funny. There were many cheesy one liners and obvious funny moments but over all it was not bad. For a good feel good laugh I totally recommend it.
Sunday was another fabulous day at home. We went to the in laws for dinner which is always nice especially when someone else does the cooking.
Next thing I know here it is Monday and heck now Tuesday? Where did the time go?
Stay tune..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Middle of the week

Here we are at Thursday already. Ok not quite middle of the week but not the very end either. Todays tasks are simple. Leave work early to go to the dentist for the ever popular check up. I am sure he will suggest some more cosmetic procedures to close the gap but I am WAY over budget on this work I had done and decided forget it this will have to wait till...whenever...

Then I go to the Moose Lodge. No not a meeting night but tomorrow night we are having a Sock Hop and I brought the decorations and recommended the DJ that will be playing so I guess this means I need to make an appearance and lend a helping hand. It is the least I could do since it really is the same 4 people who seem to do all the stuff. And since they are my decorations it would be so rude to leave it there and go you do it.

So tomorrow night is the Sock Hop and I am looking forward to it. The group got a tent donated to go on the outside plus a dance floor there too! That is where the music will be. I can't wait to see how it all turns out. I may even post a picture or two on Facebook.

Yes I am getting used to my new phone. The picture taking has been fun especially since I have learned how to post it on Facebook. Webbing through the Internet well...That is still something I have to get used to. One good thing I finally learned how to tell if I got a missed call. Yeah it is the simple things in life that make me go ahhhh.

No reality show to speak of since this is the time the shows are taking their break. The only one out there remotely interesting is Survivor and that is because they got a really bad villain on there. This guy is bad really bad to the bone. In the beginning oh man I could not stand him he had to go but now I want to see how far he can go and what he can get away with. This guy is like a trip with how he calls the people idiots, and stupid fools (yes all behind their backs to us they had no idea - until now). So for that I want to see how far Russell will go. I do not think he will win I seriously doubt it. Experience has shown that the ones that brag and boost about being the best and owning everything there usually do not win. Unless you are Dr. Will.

So will Russell go all the way?

Stay Tune..

Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Blues

Yep it is the Monday Back to Work Morning Blues. Is that a song? If it is not it should be.

The first part of the end of the season is over. It was rather fun I must admit. We had a good family outing. The picture above is the Fam including sweet adorable Sarge.
The dinner was great and as in most Thanksgiving home dinners tons of leftovers! Maybe I will pack it all up and give it to the homeless on the road because we are all Turkeyed out.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Captain Purple prevails!

Ok for those of you who were not a teen follower Captain Purple is Donny Osmond and yes he won won won DWTS!

It came down to would the viewers go for technical accuracy or a show stopper and performer and a fan favorite? The votes came in and Donny was on top!

Perhaps the viewers felt like I did that Mya was good there is no denying the girl is good but hello she better be good she has been a dancer since she was a little girl? As a matter of fact singing came in her teens and people were surprised she sang because she was a dancer! In my opinion she had an advantage over everyone and that was unfair. Perhaps I was not the only one who thought that.

But my pick from the beginning won! Yeah baby!

Oh FYI...I have given in to the technology world...I am now connected mobile-wise. Yeah new fancy slick phone and all. I am now a Half-Geek. I say half because I still have my Help Desk at home and I would hate for the Help Desk to feel unwanted so the techy stuff will still be left to the Help Desk First assignment teach me how to use this thing. Is it too techy for me?

Stay Tune..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Who will it be

It's going to be cool shortly after Thanksgiving or so the weatherman keeps promising. I swear if its in the 80's I am going to throw him a mud pie.

On to more news.

Last nights DWTS was truly fabulous. Kelly did a great job, Mya did good too (yawn) but her free style number lacked the wow factor. I am not just saying this even the judges said it. The free style is where you let it loose and go wild, you can do lifts! She was eh alright.

Donny rocked the house! Oh yeah hey it is not just my opinion the judges agreed! They said his free style would go down in history as one of the best ones! Hello that's right the old man did it.

Now tonight is the final show, the one that will give one person that big mirror disco-like trophy.

Who shall it be?

Stay Tune..

Monday, November 23, 2009

A New Experience

Happy Monday and if I have not said it already Happy Thankgiving - yeah early.

So let me recap on the weekend.

Friday we went to GreenStreet. I was hoping to get together with some friends but I guess our things to do schedules did not pan out so Paul and I decided to go to my favorite place GreenStreet. Ok it was his idea but wow what a great pick! We had a nice time, we ate, we drank we laughed we enjoyed the view.

Saturday I met up with a good friend of mine and we ended up in the Dolphin Mall. Actually I originally went there to see Twilight-New Moon and found all showings sold out so I went with Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey. Awesome movie in 3D. But what was more memorable was this was not just your ordinary movie showing I went to and honestly it was quite by accident. I thought I was walking into the new movie location and was taken back by the decor and atmosphere. I then learned hello you can sit and dine? They bring it to you? Yes the price of the ticket is higher ($12.50) and meals can run high ($10-25) and yeah a good glass of wine can cost you ($12) but hello the whole experience is awesome! The seats are huge and comfortable, with a small table and cup holder. You do not have to worry about pulling your legs back if someone wants to get up and go there is plenty of room! Well I liked it so much and I wanted to see New Moon so much that I purchased tickets for the next day's showing. Ok so after the movie Patty and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings in the mall and just hung there gabbing. It was nice they had live music so we got to just enjoy hanging.

Sunday went back to the mall to see New Moon. Awesome - it was more true to the book then the first showing was.

And there goes the weekend! Yeah that was pretty darn good. Now this week should be good not only is Papa Leach coming to town but DWTS will crown a winner this week. I hope it's Donny but I have a feeling it will Mya.

Who shall over come?

Stay Tune..

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Friday folks! I will most likely not post during the weekend because well its the weekend and blogging doesn't seem to fall into my brain. But it is the last Friday before Thanksgiving and this is a time to think back and be thankful for all the blessings we have.

I have been very lucky to have a nice group of friends around me who are truly nice and for that I am very thankful. Family members are also something to be grateful for. Thank God in this economy I have a job and lets keep that strong for 2010 and beyond. Thank God I finally sold mom's house, regardless the amount (small) the fact is that it is no longer a source of stress on me.

I am so happy that I am reconnecting with my Spirit Self. The year has had ups and lows and some how I am coming out of it better then I thought I would be. The changes in my volunteer life are for the better and sometimes I think wow it feels like I am home again.

So how will the weekend and following week be?

Stay Tune..

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Week almost over

Oh Happy Thursday. Here I was sitting at work minding my own business when the nasty fire alarm goes on. Yes I know it's a warning but come on when you are on the 6th floor its close to your lunch time going out into the hot sun to stand around with 2,000 other people is just not fun. Seriously we are right by the turnpike gated in if the building was going to blow up where we stand would not be the safest place. I know I need to be more positive and I am I am very positive it sucked to be out there.

The good news we were not out there a long time!

I spoke to someone from Elks today. Actually this is one of the nice ones. She was one of the good people who helped me out so much. Generally we gossip and trash the ones and what I found is that the build up anger that I would get was not really there. That was a good feeling. I still do not like them however the anger is not there and that to me is a good feeling. She still has some issues and understandably her touch was much more then mine ever was. It will take her a little longer. So I guess the journey to forgiveness is working. I am so happy for that.

SO tomorrow is my wedding anniversary lets just say we have been together at least 150 years...What will the husband unit do/get Jewelry maybe? Nah...what will it be...

Stay Tune..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

DWTS Update

Ok I have to tell you I was biting my already short nails watching Dancing last night! First of all I know who is going to win and I said it in the very beginning it is not fair but it is what it is. Mya will win she is kicking major booty dancing and why shouldn't she hello she has been dancing since a little girl! Yeah she is a dancer she danced before singing. So is it fair to put her in that competition with other stars who are not dancers? Seems to me the scale was tipped a little. But whatever that is show business.

But what was making me bite my nails is ok I adore Donny Osmond. Yes I said and I am not afraid to admit. I was a Donny admirer as a kid yes I had his poster on my wall, I watched the shows, I bought Tiger Beat and 16. I followed the whole gang and yes I even have saved on my DVR the last time the whole Osmond Fam got together on Oprah all 101 of them. At least I think it was 101. It was a couple bus loads. So yes of course I want Donny to win.

Monday each star had to do 3 dances. Donny started it off and oh man he normally nails his dances. He normally is on the mark. In the pre interview he said about this dance "I want people to be uncomfortable seeing us dance". Well we were uncomfortable but not in a good way he just stumbled and mis stepped. Oh Donny dude what happened. Even Donny hated his dance he said it even before the judges spoke. Even with that he still scored a 7 from each judge. Then came the other 2 dances THANK GOD he nailed them! Oh yeah he nailed it good he was awesome.

SO now fast forward to Tuesdays show the elimination. Here is a recap there were 4 couples left. Last night would mark one couple leaving and the final 3 would go to the finals next week. Marie Osmond challenged her brother to go as far as she did and she went to the final 3. So he had that pressure on him the whole time. Well Marie the man is now in the final 3! It was a nail biter.

Ok so now who else is going well yeah the obvious Mya is going - gee what a surprise the dancer is moving to the finals. This left Kelly Osborne and Joanna and Derek. Well I have actually come to really like Kelly's childish innocence and her desire to be a "lady" and her hard work. She has been rather good in many numbers. But when compared to Joanna and Derek oh those two have been incredible so I was preparing myself to say Good Bye to Kelly. But it appears I was preparing myself too early because Joanna and Derek were sent packing and Kelly made it to the finals!

So now the finals will be an Osmond, an Osborne, and Mya. Who will rise to the top?

Stay Tune

Monday, November 16, 2009

A new awakening

This is a really refreshing period of real true awakening. How many times do we all say at one point yeah yeah I forgive you it's ok and better but when tested we learn gee no I am not really not that forgiving. Ok so here is how it went.

Saturday I went to this Half Day workshop/retreat on Spiritual cleansing and meditation. Basically we opened our chakras and looked inside at what could be holding us back or what was bothering us and with God's Help and the angels we try to release and let go. So in one of the guided meditations the guide states ok if you are angry at someone visualize them see them bring someone that you are very angry at, and honestly at first I was like no I am not angry at anyone. I kept in the meditation concentrating on the chakras and opening it and releasing pent up emotions and all of sudden I visualized this person this creepy little person who had said such mean nasty things personal things and all this was oh wait for it - Elks related! Oh dear Lord what happened afterwards was incredible.

I see this person and oh yes I am angry very angry and as I am concentrating on the chakras and following the instructors guide on speaking and letting it go I start to cough and cough and cough my chest is like being pulled up. No I was not sick the cough was not a cold coming on I felt like my chest was being pulled up and coughing was part of it. I felt bad at first because I thought I was distrubing the others I later learned no I was not but still that was a concern. I laid there and I went through with the technique and as quickly as the coughing came it was gone and I felt this release or weight on me. I realized that wow I really am/was angry at this person. The whole group of it but mainly this person. That anger is not good not good at all and I need to release it so I said I forgive you be gone. I set it free I set my anger away and I said anger is not part of my life and I forgive you for what you said/did. We continued with the meditation and other parts of the workshop. I learned forgiveness and tolerance. I felt much better. Then something happened on Sunday.

Sunday the phone rings at home and I see its from the Elks Lodge. I am looking at that number and I think no I don't want to talk to you BUT I am NOT angry. It was more like I am in a happy place right this moment and I am not going to distrub that. Well I see the message light go on and I wonder I wonder what they wanted. So eventually I broke down and picked up the message and it was an office personnel. She called because she had heard how hurt I had been over what someone had said (they made this comment almost a month ago), and she wanted to tell me that it was not the new officers view but more of that one person's view. She went on to say how she wanted to apologize to me and she would rather do it in person because they missed us and they wanted us to feel welcomed again. Ok now I have to admit any other time I may have been like oh blow it out your ear but not this time.

This time I believe she was truly sincere. She really was upset over it. So the question is why now the call? Could it be that since I placed it out there and threw it back out like I am no longer angry at you and the whole thing so now it's like ok here is your test - how forgiving are you? Well here it is I need to put my actions out there. I am going to forgive. There are certain things I am not going to over look but I am going to forgive. I will start with going to a Lodge meeting in December. I can't do it this month because of the holiday however I will make it to a Lodge meeting in December. This will be huge for me. Will I go back to volunteering?

No. Sorry I like the things I am doing now in my spare time I will not put myself in a situation where words will hurt me for something I did as a volunteer.

Pretty tripping weekend huh? How will the rest of the week be?

Stay Tune.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Yes I am still alive

Yikes I did not realize so much time has passed since my last writing. I have been enjoying free time it really is pretty darn cool. This Saturday I have this all day retreat/workshop on Angels and Meditations and I am really looking forward to it. This is like a 6 hour retreat which is pretty amazing and something I have never done before so I am really looking forward to it.

There are some upcoming scheduled girls night activities in the works and I am also looking forward to that.

Work has been the usual work busy moments here and there. The holidays are fast approaching and Daddy dearest will be coming to stay with us so I am really looking forward to that. I always like it when Daddy dearest comes to town! Especially when he brings Sarge! OH here is the big news normally the big thing is ok where shall we have Thanksgiving Dinner what place shall we pick. Which in recent years has been a hit and miss depending on who you ask but it really is more enjoyable when everyone likes it so we went back to what we had done in the past and it worked and that is ---wait for it----- at OUR place! Oh now I can see those jaws dropping step back I am sooooo catering... I will make a few additional dishes on the side but I am soooo catering. I found the cateror and placed the order and hopefully all will go off without a hitch. It will be nice for the family to come over and this way we can hang out and not feel rushed although those boys tend to do the Hog and Jog after a meal but we shall see how it goes.

Well have you been watching DWTS? Well why not? Final 4 baby and yeah Donny is there! So is Kelly! I really do not think Kelly will make it to the final 2 and Donny can and should make it to the final 3 but I am not so sure about final two because the other 2 left are darn good. I said it before and I will say it again Mya is a dancer she should not had been allowed to compete because she clearly had an edge from the beginning.

So who will dance and win that huge trophey?

Stay Tune

Monday, November 2, 2009

OMG November already really?

The answer is yes really. Goodness gracious this year has gone by so fast. So many things have happened good and bad this year I cannot wait to see what will happen in 2010.

The weekend was good how was your weekend? Friday Night we went to dinner to a restaurant called Miss Saigon and the food was just out of this world good. The company we had with us was out of this world fantastic too. We had not seen our usual Friday night suspects for a while so it was especially nice to get together and have laughs and share some good food.

Saturday was a pretty interesting day too. First, well UM Hurricanes won and so did the Florida Gators! So that was a nice way to get into a Saturday. I made plans to meet a few friends in Hollywood. Well 3 of us started in Hollywood and then ended up meeting the rest in Sunrise. Here is how it went, we all gathered together at PF Changs in the Sawgrass Mills Mall in Sunrise. One of the girls was bringing an old friend who was moving back to the city to join the get together. It is always nice to have fun nice people there and I made a new friend! By the time the night was over we exchanged digits and became Facebook friends. The night was just so much fun we all were laughing and having a good time. I need to do that with the girls more often because I truly have a good time with them.

Then, I get a phone call from my husband and right away I am like oh no what is wrong - because husband unit is not one of those husbands that must call wife unit when she is out so seeing his call was like oh no. He called to tell me I may want to stay a little while longer because the whole area is blocked off. He was not sure why but all entrances to the neighborhood were totally blocked and there was even helicopters and lights. Hum...sounds intriguing stuff like this does not happen in my hood. I stayed for a while but then the better part of me was curious and shoot I wanted to go home after all I am an hour away perhaps by the time I got there it would be over. Well it appears by the time I got home it was all over because thankfully I went home with no one stopping me or blocking my entrance. The next morning I am told that there was a nearby home invasion and there was a search for the suspect. No word on if he or she had been found.

Sunday came rather uneventful. I went to the Grand Opening of this Spiritual store called Five Sisters. The moved from their original location in Pinecrest to the Falls area and wow what a change. The moved to a larger location which is highly welcomed. The whole day they had different things going on but I went to one specific event. I went to what is called Reiki and Sound Healing. Jed Shlackman spoke about the vibrational healings and Reiki and sound and he included a demonstration of these healings to help clear and balance ones energy. Jed is a Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, and L.M.H. C. He showed how he uses crystal bowls, tuning forks and other methods. It was quite nice and peaceful to sit and observe.

And then the Dolphins won! Yeah baby so over all the weekend was pretty darn good wouldn't you say? What will this week hold?

Stay Tune...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thank you Angel

All I have to say is the angels always look out for me. Yesterday was a turmoil day and I managed to end it with no blow up or blow out. I realized there is nothing I can do about people lying and making things seem different in order to get others to do stuff for you. If that is what helps you sleep at night go for it go and lie because Karma is a Biatch.

So I woke up fresh this morning, less hurt and ready to move forward and I got my spiritual horoscope for the day and as I close I will share what it reads:

Leo (July 23 - August 22)10/30/2009
It's time to move past the hurt of painful memories so you can be more available to experience the joyful possibilities of today. But this doesn't mean forgetting about what previously happened; rather, it's about stepping outside your personal history so you can see your life from a more cosmic perspective. Avoiding your emotions isn't a viable strategy because you'll end up feeling irritable without knowing why. However, letting go of old attachments allows you to live more fully in the present.

How appropriate and true yes angels I will take your advice. You know best.

Stay Tune

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am reaching for my inner Peace

Ok so today is one of those days that I draw into my Angel and request patience, and restrain. I want to restrain from attacking because I so really ridiculously want to but I really don't want to show that ugly side of me. I feel I am better then that.

Ok so what happened? Well last night there was a Lodge Meeting and this was for election of new officers. Well of course I did not go because I did not want to give any false hopes to anyone. But I certainly got scoop from a couple people. More in particular was a speech that I heard one member made. First of all it was uncertain if he was drunk he may have been because he slurred a repeated stuff a few times and his hands shook but if you ask me that is him on a normal night. What was said was really the most disappointing and hurtful side. He started trashing the previous group of Officers there and said we were failures and let everyone down by not doing what we had to do. And he went on and said some pretty trashy stuff. Then he continues by saying how great everything is going now on full volunteerism. Ok that was hurtful but this guy is not the brightest in the group many times we had to repeat to him what was said in a meeting and he would still get it wrong.

Then this woman stands up and spews off how wonderful everything is going. How rentals are hot and on fire all volunteers. Ok now that is number two saying "volunteers". Ok that is the part that gets my fire going more then anything because it is all lies. They are standing there and lying to everyone! Is it really 100% volunteer when you have to hire a cleaning service and pay them $500 because the man who just stood up slurring his words volunteered to clean up and can't handle it? Hello pay an outside service then stand and scream volunteer? I suppose maybe they forgot that part. Oh yes did they forget they also had to hire a bartender that is not volunteer. Oh yeah maybe they forgot that part. Did they forget that they had to get an accountant in to do the books because the person they got in the office for almost a month had no idea how to record money and in reality no one really knows how much money was taken in because she never recorded it? So she could of been taking something as a tip but we really do not know this. Oh yeah lets hire someone to fix this for us. They also had to hire a yard crew to do the grounds. Oh yeah I suppose they forgot that part too.

So that is the part that bothers me is that they are telling others there that really would believe them this information when in reality it is far from the truth. So I as I sit and brew over it and speak to my angel I run across my daily horoscope and if you ever had any doubts here is it is..Read what my scope told me today:

Leo (July 23 - August 22)10/29/2009
Your anger can boil over today if you aren't careful. You might take the position that expressing your feelings of dissatisfaction is a sensible thing to do, but you could easily take it too far. Your goal now shouldn't be self-disclosure. It's less important that others know how you're currently feeling than it is for them to see that you can get the job done.

Ok angels I will take your advice and chill out a little but I am dissatisfied and I am upset not with the organization but with the people in there telling lies.

Stay Tune..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Middle Hump Day

It has been a few days since my last writing sorry time just flies when you are having fun. The weekend was pretty good. Not too shabby. There was good news and bad news. Bad news Dolphins and Hurricanes lost, and the Good news is Gators won.

The week at work has started and it is a busy one but that is part of the fun that allows me to make a living. A girl has to do what a girl has to do.

Next week is 3rd and 4th part of mouth surgery! I say 3rd and 4th because they are going to do both procedures on the same visit so I will be there a while. I am taking the next day off work to recover and then there is the weekend for additional medicinal recovery. Some of that medicinal recovery will includes a glass or two or bottle of wine I am sure.
Here is something I think I will share. Recently I took the pleasure in running across (accidently) across this singer. He is really pretty good. He is not into that harsh rap style and certainly not Techno. I went to his website and listened to his stuff and wow it really made my afternoon at work ease by. All I know of what he is doing now is opening for Lady GaGa so he must be good.

I also came across this little saying about butterflies recently and I thought I would share it

The butterfly teaches us about freedom, victory and eternal life. It is the symbol of freedom and its wings are the wings of victory. The butterfly is born twice in one lifetime and lives two complete lives, firstly from caterpillar to chrysalis - and when that metamorphosis is complete a beautiful being emerges reborn and fully winged, signifying its elevation as a spirit, beginning its new life as a butterfly.

Choose to follow the butterfly, walk in beauty, always leaving a trail of Light behind you.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yes It is Friday Baby

Oh boy this has been a very long week and it is over, well after the end of this work day it will be over. So you may ask what are your plans for this weekend? Glad you asked,..

Nothing... Husband is in charge of tonight. If I can get an appointment to get my hair done tomorrow then I will and I have a friend who has been hinting that I drive to her neck of the woods and go to Karaoke. We shall see. Unless Husband unit comes up with something fabulous for Saturday...hum...the pressure is on.

Stay Tune..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Lets see where I stand

Ok so we are about a month or so ok maybe more into DWTS and I was looking at the remaining dancers and thinking hum...I wonder how some of my predictions have held out? I did not comment on all of them but if you recall on some I did. So here is a moment back in time...

This is what I said about...

Donny Osmond - Ok hello Osmond fan always and forever. He has the backing of like a million votes and thats just the family members. He will go pretty far at least half way. He has been wanting to be a dancer on this show for so long that I think he will excel.

Outcome - Well hello he did score a 29 last time he has been on fire! And He has Tweeted that this week it is the Jitterbug and he can put all his nervous tension in that dance. Go Donny!

Mark Dacascos from Iron Chef America - hum seems like an easy one yes? It could be however sometimes the Martial experts have a hard time coming loose and showing emotions such as in the Cha Cha. But I suspect he will go far. Watch out Donny!

Outcome - Donny does not have anything to worry as of yet. While he is pretty good he is having problems.

Tom Delay - Ok the only thing he has going for him is that his partner is Cheryl Burke. She is good but I am sorry he looks like Mr Stumbles. I do not think he will not only not win but not even make it to the final 6.

Outcome - Well enough said he not only did not make it he quit! And I was right the only good thing he had was his dance partner.

Kelly Osbourne - All I can say is I hope she stays sober enough to learn and excel. I think she will stick around for a few weeks but certainly not the finals. Her partner is Louis Van Amstel and he is actually pretty darn good but not good enough to help Kelly. Sorry Kelly.

Outcome - Well I totally underestimated Kelly. Not only is Kelly actually pretty darn good but her innocent nervousness is pretty charming. You can feel how nervous she is which is what may end up hurting her. But man Kelly has become one of my favorites. Way to go Kelly.

Mya - Oh Man Donny watch out. This is one that may be the one to beat. Chickie is a dancer.

Outcome - Yeah Donny has to watch out the girl is awesome. Oh yeah did I mention she was a dancer?

Ashley Hamilton - I think he is going to have a hard time and I hope not. I really hope not because he has in my humble opinion one of the best partners - Edyta Sliwinska. She is a fabulous dancer and every year they never pair her with someone worthy. The closest was Jason Taylor. But I would love for her to win it once. She is my favorite dancer. Ashley on the other hand ( in my opinion) is his claim to fame that his dad is George Hamilton? Now I like George I truly did. I saw him once on South Beach and he looked very ah tan. His date I remember more because she had the cutest Louis Vutton purse! Ok back to dancing...Ashley I so hope you do it but do you have the fans to bring up those votes? We shall see..

Outcome - Well Ashley was out of the competition before the tan set in.

So there you have it. The dancers are pretty good. This group is good. Go Donny!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The fun continues

Well that child of mine was having a blast yesterday because I got a couple pictures from Universal Studios one being of the Hard Rock? Do you think he is trying to tease me? Let me answer that question yes he is and it shows he is having a good time which is good. Oh to be that young and out partying with your friends.

That's the picture he took and sent to his mommy.

But like all good things they must come to an end because they return home today. And it appears Mother Nature is sad they are returning because it has been raining all morning.

I am glad he went. I told him I may go next year and he said yes for sure and even said we can go mom. Yeah I wonder why...

Did you all see DWTS? Oh man my Donny was hot and on fire.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Like Mother like Son

You know I know God has a sense of humor because he gives some of us kids that have our sense of humor.

Here is a little story to tell that is well I found it funny. Child of mine (Nick) turned 22 this past week and some of his friends who also had birthdays during the week had been for months planning a trip to Orlando Florida. They ear marked Universal Studios Halloween Horror Night and Epcot Center food and wine festival. So being the typical worry mom I gave the usual be safe use the shuttles etc. Which he assured they would. Ok so come Sunday I knew that is when he was leaving and I started to call him and say Please let me know you arrived alright but I stopped myself because gosh darn it I am not that kind of pushy in your face all the time mom. So that evening I closed my eyes and I sent a message to my angels to keep the little one safe and sound. Well guess what happened within that hour? I got a Text message (yes text message) "Mom we just arrived I wanted you to know that." Oh goody it worked! So I wrote back oh good glad to hear it and I am glad you told me because I was actually thinking about that his response "I know." Yeah I am good. No thats not the funny part.

So here I am Monday at work. I get to a stopping point and I am sitting wondering what child of mine is doing and where he is at and well hello wishing I was there. Guess what I got? Yeah you guessed it another text message. "Mom we are at Epcot Food and Wine Festival all so good." Ok let me continue with this I think. So I said oh good take a picture. So of course I get a picture of child of mine by Epcot.

A few minutes later I get another picture of a glass of wine where he tells me "This glass of Pinot Grigio is for you mom here in Italy." Oh yes child of mine knows me so well he knows what I love to drink. And, he has no problem in taking a picture of it and telling me. He proceeded to send another shot of Epcot making me wish even more I was there.

Note to self...Go to Epcot Food and Wine festival next year.

Stay Tune..

Monday, October 19, 2009

Great weekend

Welcome Monday. What a lovely bright and crispy cool Monday it is! Yes it is in the 60's the breeze is out and it is not humid. Oh I live for days like this.

The weekend was rather fun and nice. Friday night we went over to some friends house for dinner and drinks and we had a lot of great laughs. We all brought something over so it was a nice collaborate effort.

Saturday we went over to Bargetto Bistro in the Falls and listened to a friend play some tunes. He plays there every other Saturday Night and he is rather good I must say. If you want to check him out his website is He is a nice guy too good heart.

Sunday we ventured over to Actor's Playhouse and saw a Matinee Called the Marvelous Wonderettes. It was a blast from the past with songs from the 50's to 60's. Some a little cheesy in how they led to certain dialogue but over all it was pretty entertaining. One thing to note to self think twice about going to another Matinee at Actor's Playhouse unless you don't mind hanging with the over 85 crowd. Oh yeah I am serious I would say 90% of the audience was over 85 I felt like handing out applications to the Elks Lodge they would fit right in - walkers, wheelchairs, breathing machines and all.

And yes my friends that is as close to an Elks Lodge that I went to this past weekend. Ah life is good. Only went once last week and I do not foresee any upcoming visits not until maybe Nov or Dec.

The week is looking pretty good. DWTS is on tonight and Donny is still in there! Go Donny! Will he last?

Stay Tune..

Friday, October 16, 2009

Finally Friday!

Oh boy this week has just gone like a jet on a mission. Flying! I guess that is what being super busy at work will do for it. The week was actually rather nice.

Tuesday we took child number one (and only child) out for his birthday dinner. His true birthday was Wednesday but when you turn 22 hanging with your friends and playing beer pong is better then going out to dinner with your mom and dad. That is ok it was rather nice and fun.

Wednesday was a lodge meeting and guess what I DID NOT ATTEND! Yeah I am super proud and happy about that.
Now Thursday I went to the Lodge. Yes I had to. It was a GATE Program Graduation dinner. This is a group that is close to my heart because of the good that they do. They take first time juvenile offenders (teen boys) and they go through a series of classes that are not just sitting in a class room learning tips, but, rather going all out. By going all out I mean they take these boys to the morgue, the jail, they see dead bodies with toe tags , they are given classes on Anger Management, Finances, and other Life Coaching areas. The course is not easy and not an over night but those that stick with it come out a better person. For that I support them. Well the graduation is where these teens finished the course and the Lodge provides them and their families with dinner. So I went there ready to see some people I had not seen in a while and sit and listen to the speeches by the graduates.

Now picture this the speeches are done, it appears to be coming soon to a close and the Program Director stops everything and goes wait I have something to do I almost forgot. She then calls my name. Who me??? All I can say is "Whyyyyy" I go up there and she mentions how much of a help and support I have been to her and the boys. She then presents me a nice certificate of appreciation. OMG I was surprised and shocked I certainly did not expect. Hello normally I am the one doing the surprises so to have it pulled on me was well what can I say I appreciated it so very much. This is why I love this place.
(The picture above is of Mimi the Program Director the Peer Counselors)
I then thought of that statement and thought no it is not the place it is the people. I enjoy the people there. I enjoy going to a place and there is no fighting and several people looking at others and snickering I love walking in and smiling and seeing friends and I especially love that I can bring people with me and they will be welcomed with open arms. I am very fortunate that all my friends are good that way. We all do support each other.

Tonight is a get together at one of their houses. We plan on having dinner, drinks, laughter in a nice comfortable setting.
The weekend should be nice going to see a fun and happy play! Will it really be fun and happy?
Stay Tune

Monday, October 12, 2009

Busy work times

It has been a while since writing. Sorry. It has been a busy time at work for me and well it is not letting up so the blogging just took a back seat. Then the weekend comes and blogging is not on my top list of things to do. Heck even getting on the computer is something I don't want to do during the weekend. I know a shocker some of people out there. But I had a really nice experience this weekend and I thought I would share.

Part of my commitment (Post Elk) is to do more stuff that I want to do. Get back to things that brought me Peace and Harmony and a good sense of existence. No more having to do this and that and having to go around shopping for what? For someone to say hey the time you spent doing that is nice but you better do more? Yeah I don't think so. So I went back to what grounds me. I went to a work shop called "Meet your Guardian Angel". The workshop was located at in Pinecrest. However they are moving to the Falls area which is even closer to me so I am really looking forward to it. The workshop was help by Alina Nunez of and I for one have to say it was well worth the $50 I paid. At this workshop I learned about so many things about Guardian Angels, what their purpose is, what they look like and along the way we did a few different meditations. I visualized and saw somethings that Alina later on validated to me. So that was pretty cool. In the end I left there knowing that decisions I made were the best ones and I do not regret it for one moment. I am looking forward to more workshops and lectures.

I am looking forward to the new chapter, with my friends, family and renewed passion.

Stay Tune.

Monday, September 28, 2009

I survived this weekend

Oh weekend weekend where did you go. And how in the world did I survive you? Literally. Friday started rather nice. Went to work, then met up with the gang of usual Friday Night Suspects and we had dinner at Asian Fusion ( It was good. The food there was great and the company was great too. Saturday we went to our Lodge for a last hurrah. The Gold-Diggers hired a Professional Karaoke sound guy and the girls all came dressed in some costume. There was good food, lots of drinks, laughter and oh yeah a lot of singing. All I can say when a certain husband got up to sing Lola by the Kinks I was left speechless. I know I should of filmed it. Needless to say we had a super blast that night.

Then Sunday we went back to the Lodge (yes I promise I am leaving this was the last official visit) for a special meeting. It was mainly done to help a friend who was put in the middle. So I finish this meeting and I am acting as a bartender and as I am walking hold this bottle of beer I tripped on something on the floor. Well can you imagine what is going through my head? Holy cow I have a bottle of beer in my hand, I am about to fall and there is empty glass around me ok quick note to self "DO NOT FALL!" So my quick action was to reach for the bar top and hold on tight and well a major part of me held on so tight my upper right arm/shoulder are in some major pain! Yes pain. That night I had some pain pills that were left over from the first mouth surgery so I made sure to pop one ok two. Did the pain go away? No but I got relaxed and slept nicely. This morning the pain was just still there and it still is there but not over the top bad like last night.

So Yes I survived the weekend. Not sure how but I did. How will this week be?

Stay Tune..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

TV Season is back!

Happy Tuesday!

Well finally DWTS started last night and they began with the men performing. Each couple got to do two numbers one was individual and then the 2nd was a group of sorts where the top 4 got points from 4 to 10 added to their voting totals.

I was not surprised my Donny was excellent. He has been wanting to dance on there for such a long time and he finally got it. The look on his face showed how badly he wanted to be there and when he was given a critique he took it very well but when he was given a compliment boy oh boy you could see those pearly whites. It was pretty cool to see.

Aaron Carter really stood out. Oh to be that young and be able to do back flips again. Donny may have to make him an offer he cannot refuse...oh no did I say that?

Mark Dacascos (Iron Chef America ) is another one that kind of took me back. The man has a great comic style. He has some good moves too and he may be one to also watch out for.

If anyone was hoping Tom DeLay would pull a victory. Go back to bed because he just totally did not get it. In all fairness the others against him were flying all over the place and he was barely able to hold on. He was paired with Cheryl Burke who has won it twice but sorry Cheryl I do not see it happening.

Another one I do not see happening is Ashley Hamilton. Ashley has the body image but like Bruno said his dad had the charisma. But darn it he is paired with (in my opinion) one of the best dancers there and that is Edyta Sliwinska. This girl year after year you see her and its like WOW she can dance and move. Of course they usually pair her with someone hard to train, with the exception of Cameron Mathison. I hope Ashley does not leave only because I would like to see Edyta dance some more and maybe get his behind in gear.

That is about it. The week is just beginning the women dance tonight.

Stay Tune..

Friday, September 18, 2009

Free at Last...well almost

Someone sent this to me recently and I was reading some of the quotes on it and thought yeah this is pretty cool because a lot of it I have actually thought. Some of the other quotes I would like to believe is valid and some others I truly believe it is true so for that here it is my friends.

I thought as it gets closer to the end of the month the times would be more stressful but it has not. The thought of not having to deal with nasty people insisting on more of my time actually brings a smile to my face. And then when I saw some people come in and well kick you when you are down type I thought yes thank you God you are right I made the right decision. Thank you for showing me this as proof.

1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. You are special and unique.

8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.

11. Always remember the compliments you received..Forget about the rude remarks.

Always remember... when life hands you Lemons, ask for Tequila and Salt and call me over!

Good friends are like stars.........You don't always see them, But you know they are always there.

"Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway"

I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The line has been drawn

Well last nights meeting was as expected ugly. The two men from Mars came showing their ugly claws. They spoke about stuff they had no knowledge of acting like they knew and then that silly look of shock when someone with knowledge informed them that hello you are wrong and if one did what you want it would be breaking the law and going to jail. Then they have the nerve to sit there and start tossing accusations of the reasons people are doing what they are doing. No we are not being forced. (Since when has anyone forced me to do anything I don't want to do - he surely does not know me). It is just that I pick friendship over a bully. I refuse to give more of my time then I already have. Oh I got the line well we have this one guy who cooks for us, answers our phones, stays at night to watch rentals and he does it for free. Well good for him guess what I work for living! I have financial obligations. I have gotten used to indoor plumbing and electricity and that thing of a roof over my head really is appealing to me. To me that just sealed the deal in my decision. Anyone who can in all their talking be mean and nasty is not someone or a place I want to associate myself with.

I then asked myself why am I stressing over this? Honestly this is a volunteer portion of my life. I enjoyed helping out I truly do but when you demand I give more, and when I say I say no you say YES and you give me an ultimatum well the result is never going to be good. At least not with me. I hope some of my friends understand I think my true friends will. We have spoken and we decided we will continue to see each other and that will make it just that much more fun.

So I have one more event to do and that is this Sunday. I am going to pretend to be a bartender for the 1:00 Dolphins game. Go FINS! I promised the cook I would be there so I will be there. But that will most likely be one of my last appearances. As a volunteer I may return in a month when the place is packed with people as the wife of one of the members said.

Stay Tune

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Make a wish it is Wednesday!

Each week Jamie Ridler (@Starshyne) asks us a very important question.
This week the question is:

What do you wish to learn?
It sounds like an easy question doesn't it? But we all know better. I thought about this for a little while and here is what I came up with.

I wish to learn to pick something that I truly want to explore and grow. For example there was a time I was focusing my attention on Spiritual Awareness and meditation and just getting to know my spirit. Then I got distracted with volunteering for the Elks Lodge and found myself being consumed by that and ignored well not ignored just did not focus as much on my Spirituality. Well last night I had a one on one with my Spirit Guide and other Spirits and I realized I needed to get back to what truly enriches my passion. So it is amazing this question came up today. Because I am going to learn to look within me more and do what makes me and my spirit happy. Amazingly last night was the first step wasn't it?
So here is to you my spirits! I have already made an appointment for a workshop next month and I am looking forward to it. The time has come to focus my energies in a direction where I will not receive negative output.
Surgery number one complete. In the end this will also help my spirit because it involves my smile. I have a ways to go however, I going to stick this one out. How will this all end?
Stay Tune..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday is here.

Happy Tuesday. One more day until the famous Hump Day or actually the Wishcasting Wednesday. What will it bring. Tomorrow for me will be a big Lodge Meeting where final statements to the corporate big wigs will be made. They won't like it but I have heard comments from them saying "So what the Lodge will continue anyway." and then someone said "In a month we will have it packed with people." All I can say is ok Good Luck. I will be sure to stop by in a month and see the tons of people. (I can't wait for that one!)

On another note I recently was reading some Tuesday Tips regarding business and I thought it was interesting because it was about Time Management and being overwhelmed with things to do. Here is what was said:

No one ever seems to have enough time anymore. In fact, just about everyone talks about being swamped at work and snowed under at home. And that's a lousy way to live.
So what's the answer? It may NOT be putting in more hours. It may be learning how to use your hours more effectively.

This sounded about right and logical so I continued reading where he outlined steps, however, I had issues with the first step. Is this a sign?

The first step was to Learn to say No once in a while. Ah ok maybe in my personal volunteer life (as a matter of fact No will be used very often soon) but not in my work life. Hello? If my boss gives me a project I do not think it will go over very well if I say ah gee Boss no not right now.

Some of the other advices were better such as:
  • Avoid over-commitment. (Who me? nah!)
  • Maintain a master calendar. (Ok I can do that and pretty much do)
  • Schedule major projects.
    If you have a number of major projects gathering dust because you're going to do them when you "find time," stop waiting and start scheduling. (Yeah I have to say I can relate to this one).
  • Use lists. (Check)
  • Start with some unpleasant tasks.
    Most people waste more time thinking about dreaded tasks than actually doing them. But if you get one or more of your most disliked jobs out of the way first, you'll get a great sense of accomplishment. (OMG this actually makes sense)
  • Avoid Perfectionism - (me perfect? Hardly)
  • Delegate occassionally - (well here again when you are not the boss delegating is not one of those things one can do easily).

Ok so not too bad I am not against all that stuff. But then I was given an action


Pick out 1 tip to focus on. Keep on using that tip until it has become an automatic and natural thing for you to do. And then go on to picking out and mastering a second technique.

Oh boy let me sleep on that and get back to you..

Stay Tune..

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday for real

Very rare for me to post during the weekend but I thought oh heck why not. I had the chance to see how buzzards circle. By this I mean that word is getting out of how some of my volunteer friends and I are no longer willing to accept ultimatums that are really not to benefit the Lodge. One gets to see true colors come out. People who openly talk bad about you and your friends come to your place and actually smile! How sad but eye opening. I have a lot of really nice friends from the Elks and that will not change but I got to see first hand nastiness and how true colors. I will not forget that and it only validates what I have already decided to do. I wish them well..

Today I went to a baby shower. I love baby showers all the oh how cute oh how nice make me so happy that I have no more babies at home! This party originally was scheduled by the pool however we live in Miami and this is the season where it rains and rains and rains. Especially Labor Day. It always rains here on Labor and Memorial Day. So the party was moved indoors to my friends house. Sounds nice right? Well her place is not the largest and even with the a/c down to 62 degrees it was hot inside. Apparently that was as cold as it was going to get people were hoping for cooler but it was not going to happen. Overall the people had a good time, the couple got lots of fabulous gifts.

Now on to Big Brother! OMG honestly Kevin and sad clown winning the POV so totally sucked. It appears Michele will be going home. I don't even care anymore because last week my favorite player Jeff was sent packing. This means once Michele gets sent packing my only fave player will be Jordan and while I like Jordan girlfriend can't play to save her life. This means that one of those nasty ones will most likely win. ARGG ok on to next season...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday how appropriate

Each week Jamie Ridler (@Starshyne) asks us a very important question.
Jaime you are truly wise beyond your young years. This week the question is:

What do you wish to begin?

Oh boy with the recent turmoil that I have been struggling with (in regards to the Elks) this question comes at a great time.

So here are things I wish to begin:

I wish to begin a simple happy Elk-duty free Life. I believe in the causes but find that I no longer can honestly work with people who are mean and nasty and say very nasty things to me and my friends. That is no longer an option. You can do so much to help others, strangers but you cannot help your own? Speaks volume.

This is going to unleash a whole new chapter in my free time life. I cannot wait to start the experience. As a matter of fact I have already signed up for a Lecture on Guardian Angels for next month and I cannot wait to go to it.

So I guess I am wishing to begin a new chapter and journey and it will be interesting to see what will make my passion for helping grow. The Elks are great they really are. I have a ton of friends there and I adore them all and one could always argue why let some few destroy that. But the few are "Corporate Demons" yes I call them that. When someone who is suppose to help you calls you and is being out right mean and nasty and trashing everything you stand for I no longer can stand there and smile. Oh I will smile there is a smile and all I have to say is "Let me know how that works out for you."

Wow I actually feel a releash after writing this. Oh what a question will do....

Stay Tune...

Friday, August 28, 2009


What a difference a day makes. Not long ago I was admitting how much I enjoyed volunteering at the Elks and today I am having some serious reservations. Within the next few weeks an unwelcomed confrontation may occur the fall out from that will be united on one level but others will be left sadden and maybe shocked. The more sad part is that it did not need to come to that but hands are being forced.

I hope some of my friends won't be too upset but I need to stand up for what I believe in in my heart is wrong and not be allowed to pretend to do something I will no longer have the passion for.

Eww too serious. Tonight is a dinner party at yeah the Elks. I will be there with some nice friends tomorrow was suppose to be another dinner party at another Elks Lodge but I have decided not to attend that one. Not sure what I will do but I know what it will not be.

Stay tune..

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Open wide!

The fun begins today.

This afternoon begins the big deep cleaning that will sterilize the mouth in preparation for the surgery next week. Oh boy yeah I am excited. Right after this appointment I will be meeting with some friends at my local Elks Lodge to help decorate and prepare a room for an animal adventure of a dinner Friday night. It actually sounds like fun. My Chonga pal came up with this theme of Welcome to the Jungle and she is going to have a 12 foot alligator as a focal point. I so cannot wait to see that! I think I will name him Allie Dor. Yah that is original huh? Let's see how that goes the event begins on Friday.

I decided to try something that I only do in the privacy of my head. DWTS begins in a few weeks and as in an earlier post the stars dancing have been released. Ok so normally what I do is I read all about who they are (ok the ones I didn't know were stars) and I look at who they paired them with and I try to guess who will shine and who will not. All this is done prior to actually seeing them dance. Then once the show starts well I usually change all that around. But for fun I am going to put it in writing for the whole blog world to see... So here are my thoughts on some not all because there are a lot of them and there will be a couple weeks with double eliminations.

Donny Osmond - Ok hello Osmond fan always and forever. He has the backing of like a million votes and thats just the family members. He will go pretty far at least half way. He has been wanting to be a dancer on this show for so long that I think he will excel.

Mark Dacascos from Iron Chef America - hum seems like an easy one yes? It could be however sometimes the Martial experts have a hard time coming loose and showing emotions such as in the Cha Cha. But I suspect he will go far. Watch out Donny!

Tom Delay - Ok the only thing he has going for him is that his partner is Cheryl Burke. She is good but I am sorry he looks like Mr Stumbles. I do not think he will not only not win but not even make it to the final 6.

Kelly Osbourne - All I can say is I hope she stays sober enough to learn and excel. I think she will stick around for a few weeks but certainly not the finals. Her partner is Louis Van Amstel and he is actually pretty darn good but not good enough to help Kelly. Sorry Kelly.

Mya - Oh Man Donny watch out. This is one that may be the one to beat. Chickie is a dancer.

Ashley Hamilton - I think he is going to have a hard time and I hope not. I really hope not because he has in my humble opinion one of the best partners - Edyta Sliwinska. She is a fabulous dancer and every year they never pair her with someone worthy. The closest was Jason Taylor. But I would love for her to win it once. She is my favorite dancer. Ashley on the other hand ( in my opinion) is his claim to fame that his dad is George Hamilton? Now I like George I truly did. I saw him once on South Beach and he looked very ah tan. His date I remember more because she had the cutest Louis Vutton purse! Ok back to dancing...Ashley I so hope you do it but do you have the fans to bring up those votes? We shall see..

Ok those are just some of them...will I be right? Have I been too harsh? Did I totally miss the mark on all of them?

Stay Tune...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wishcasting Wednesday is here!

“Each week Jamie Ridler (@Starshyne) asks us a very important question. At first it may not seem important, but once the question gets a little breath in it, well…the results are often staggering and frequently lead many of us answering the question into realms of our hearts and souls we’ve either forgotten about or never knew existed. And sometimes the question is so right in line with what we’re going through at that exact moment that little doubt is left as to Jamie’s ‘in-tune-ed-ness’ to our little Universe. ” Shamsi

You know I could not had said it better myself. So this week's question is...
What do you wish to acknowledge yourself for?
Oh boy what a make you think question. Ok let me give this a crack. I acknowledge my finally taking the step to get myself a decent smile and take care of my teeth. I did not have a very financially sound up bringing, which means I so needed braces but we were not financially able to get them and as an adult other things came in the way. I am still an adult and recently I made the decision to do it. This is going to cost me a bit but in the end I know it will be better for me. My spirit yearns to smile more and this is a step towards that.
I acknowledge my awareness of my spirits and the betterment of it all. I give thanks to God and the Angels daily and sometimes I think I can hear them say You are welcome.
I accept and acknowledge that my busy none working life is of my own choosing. I really do enjoy helping people and trying to make a difference. Sometimes I moan and groan about it is taking up all my time but the truth is if I truly disliked it, I would not do it at all. We have really nice people who I consider my friends and many times when I am feeling blue I go to the Lodge and I feel better just sitting there talking.
I also accept my precious pet Paradise (my cat) is in a happier place. This weekend I thought I saw her running down the hall and I thought oh I saw you and it was acknowledge when my husband told me that he had a dream with her in it and they were "talking". Yeah that was cool she came for a visit so yeah I did see you! Silly Kitty.
I am sure as the week goes by and I think of things I will be like oh yeah that and that and that...but for now this is what I have.
Peace, Light and Love my friends!